Bjorn. profile picture


Santa Barbara, Thank GOD

About Me

There comes a time and a place where a man must look at himself, clean himself out and say... Great Spirit, what can I do for you? Me? I am but your tool to enhance your already perfect universe. My duty is if nothing else to keep it as such.

My Interests

seeking the truth

I'd like to meet:

My wife. My equal. My teammate. My kindred soul. My Nemesis, Lover and Friend. The one that I can open up to. The one who knows.


anything that doesn't follow the great standardized format..


Must have intelligence.




Atlas Shrugged. The Fountainhead. (Any and everything by Ayn Rand for that matter) The 48 laws of Power. Brave New World, 1984, the notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci, The Lucifer Principle, Collapse

and totally the DON'Ts from Vice Magazine.


Maverick Pioneers. Those who wear their hearts on their sleeves and aren't afraid to pursue their highest calling.

My Blog

Some wise words from Wired Magazine...

Have a Cup of Coffee and Shoot Me Your Resume05.10.07 | 2:00 AMSo now coffee's good for us, too.A Harvard researcher said last week that regular coffee drinkers may be lowering their risks for certain...
Posted by Bjorn. on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:27:00 PST


Whence one's world comes crashing around them, there are two courses of action from which that individual can choose. One, to face the challenges with determination and a smile and accept that which ...
Posted by Bjorn. on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:43:00 PST

Prior to May 1st...

actually, NYC will be happening prior to the 1st of May...
Posted by Bjorn. on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:46:00 PST

NYC Bitches.

Moving to NYC May 1st.Going to be in NoLita.Wanna be my friend?
Posted by Bjorn. on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 03:12:00 PST

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I cut my hair.I know this may come as a shock to a lot of you.. But the time had come. After 2.5 years with it long... Photos will come soon.10" off.
Posted by Bjorn. on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:00:00 PST

Continued Journal Musings from 09.03.01

Interesting how for once I am completely alone with my thoughts, and how now that this opportunity has at last presented itself, how the only thing that consumes my consciousness is how I wish I were ...
Posted by Bjorn. on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 12:11:00 PST

Old Journal Musings, 2001

09.03.01-So although lonely and tired desipte the copious amount of sleep I got last night, walking by yourself in the woods of nothern svenska (sweden) is quite mesmerizing.Once leaving the din of th...
Posted by Bjorn. on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:24:00 PST