My intrests are: reading, writing, and making dez hoes mouthes drop. Keep on dipping in mine and you'll find out just what ya wanna know and it just might hurt your feelings. Bitch yeah it's his
I'm not looking for someone I already have somebody and he touches the deepths of my soul and other places.He let's me know how it feels to experince true love and how to love with my whole heart, because he's worth giving my heart to. But i am lookin for associates. People who are money minded like me. Gotta be bout that bread, in order to think about rolling with me. BEWARE FAKE NIGGAS AND BITCHES NEED NOT APPLY I don't need any other friends besides the ones I already have. The ones who have been tried and found to be true Shante' R.C. LEX DENERO Foot Dee YA'll MY NIGGAS AND BITCH 4 LIFE
I love all types but rap is my favorite. I'm really feeling Lex Denero's cd( a local atrist from Augusta)changing da game
All of Zanes novels and THE HOLY BIBLE of course
My mom and my older brother WILLIE PARRISH IV a.k.a Shawt DOG who has always been more of an dad than an brother. Cause our father wasn't there so he stepped up and was a father to me and my other brothers by my father. Dion,Joel,Danard,and Darius