My AIM Screen Name: bethdawg1982 not on that often but when I am I am so board out my gourd I'd talk to anything so feel free! :o) I love...Singing,trying to play the guitar, Snowboarding, Hanging out with friends, Camping, Eatting (food is GREAT), swimming, C.S.I. (the real kind), Computers, and my all time favorite Jesus Christ. And I do have this ONE interest that is Really AWESOME and It is Daniel Joseph Vizthum & Trinity Nicole Vizthum!!! My Love, My Husband and My Wonderful Baby!! I also love my niece Erin and my nephew Brandon!!!!!! I also Like Beta's, Yorkie's, rotts, Tattoos, Piercings, DR. Pepper!!, Dasani, the colors Red, Black and Silver!!
"Snap ITC" size=4Tom Welling and Jesus Doesn't matter which order it would be nice if it was Jesus and then Tom Welling cause that means I can spend all of eternity looking at Tom. :oD oh and YOUR MOM!!!Adrienne Liesching (now she is Adreine CAMP!! I have met her! But would love to hang out with her!!! Other then that pretty much everyone!! I am a very friendly person don't be afraid!! ;o)
The Benjamin Gate! I miss them so much!! Carrie Underwoods "Jesus Take the Wheel"and anything else that has lyrics and a beat!!! not so much country! but sometimes it'll do.
Just Friends
The Island
Walk the Line
Untied 93
Just like Hevan
Super Toopers
Extreme Days
The Dead Zone
The Beakfest Club
The Pincess Bride
The Never Ending Story
So I married an Ax murderer
The Pirate Movie
Adventures in Babysitting
Strange Brew
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Nepolyne Dynomite
Out Cold
The Note Book
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The labyrinth
The Big Hit
Funny Farm
The Matrix Trilogy
40 yr old virgin
shuan of the Dead
Resident Evil (both)
* Grey's Anatomy *
* LOST *
* House *
* CSI: Las Vegas *
* Law n Order: Special Victums Unit *
* Law and Order: Criminal Intent *
* Smallvile *
* Unsolved Mysterys *
* With Out a Trace *
* Trading spaces *
The Bible
Belly Laughs by Jenny MacCarthy
Stiff By Mary Roach
Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine Magazines:
Cooking lite
Coutage Living
and so on!!Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
Jesus Christ!!! My Dad!!! Adrienne Camp!!! Brick!!!! and Yo MAMMA!!!