music layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments ....To make a long story even shorter..........................God is at the head of everything, while music lies at the center.
This is an open invitation and all is welcome to enter.Im really not sure of what 2 say or what you would like to know
so this is my introduction, take your time and read slow........In life I've come to learn that.......It's not about you and what you do
but what comes through and goes out.In hopes to touch and reach to enlighten and teach without the hipocrisy
to chastise and PREACH!United we stand, Individually we may fall, but mercy remains each day of life
where the truth remains open to loves call.Seeking beyond what I see, Listening beyond what I feel
Time is beyond the touch of 1 who seeks understanding within resolution,While life remains loyal 2 change.WELCOME 2 THE REVOLUTION!!!!!!!*******************************************
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