anything that involves sunshine, surfing, music, fun, movies, theatre, ultimate frisbee, showtunes, swimming, or laughter is ok in my book. which you can buy at for $14.95 plus tax.
Jesus, Edward Norton, Conan O'Brien, Wayne Brady, Jimmy Page (of Led Zepplin), Tom Scholtz (of Boston), Brad Pitt (he's hot), Natalie Portman, Kristen Kreuk, James Earl Jones, Nick Swardson, and any one of the Keebler Elves (they taste like chicken...)
anything that isn't hardcore rap, super heavy metal, or country music. i strongly dislike country music.
oh man, too many to list. but i'll try anyway. the muppet movie, shawshank redemption, fight club, aladdin, the original star wars movies (although the new ones aren't as bad as everyone says), forrest gump, gladiator, top gun, young frakenstein, the martix trilogy, anchorman (funniest movie of '04), moulin rouge, jerry seinfeld: live on broadway, ghostbusters, mission impossible, dumb and dumber (no fave movie list is complete without that one), get shorty, the little mermaid, toy story 1&2, as good as it gets, men at work, that thing you do, the great muppet caper, spiderman 1&2, bottlerocket, the hudsucker proxy, ocean's eleven, the incredibles, the transporter, terminator 2, ace ventura...there's a million more, but you get the gist: good comedies, love stories, action movies, thrillers...pretty much any good movie except horror flicks.
i don't really watch tv. exceptions include: family guy, arrested development, it's always sunny in philadelphia, seinfeld reruns, football (college or pro), occasionally Conan, South Park and the Oscars. and that's pretty much it.
anything Shakespeare (although i don't know if they count as books or plays, but whatever), Salman Rushdie's "Fury," Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit," anything Socrates or Plato. ummm, let's see a bunch of other stuff too that i'm too lazy to list...i'll read pretty much any good book.
Superman, The Human Torch, Jesus, me, Nick Swardson, Tom Scholtz, Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Lucille Ball and Bugs Bunny.