"I remember her late at night as curious green unfolds her hands. She walked like the dirty belief that becomes all men. Her nails grew long and tucked themselves against the flawless dress of a late night hunter. They drew a glance and traded their script while passing in the halls. The range of the wretched truth collapses strangely close to fallacy. Pieces find their place when in silence they must breath for themselves. Sleeping in the stench of misery she plead to the innocent through cable connections... then tapered to a quaint burial."MJS
Everyday I search for those immovable individuals who choose to survive in integrity and exploration."forever shadows overlap in dirty busy streets,but we have yet to understand the few we acquaint.our social structure facilitates mediocre dayslike welfare construction around our expectations.we settle into a foolish performancethen blame the preoccupied."MJS
"She played his band, sick tunes foreshadowing.Such silent minutes to dance aroundin her dreams, and masked those misconceptioningsof secure setting now does confound.Supplementing shards of her soul in bed,to lovers she crawled as heaven grieved her.Recognizing the new face in the glass said,"so, nothing of your life remains for sure."The band encircled the pathetic sound,her arrangements scratch away appeal.A pawn engagement was constantly round,so beginning was end, nothing to reveal.His bastard bindings formed upon her fair fingers,still, shortly after was retrieved, now pain lingers."MJS
"So call upon such wanting night.Forgotten shades of pale insight.Devils wait like shadows despite,the moons florescent midnight glow.Dates pass as Sauls sour acts,the rapid flow of time impacts.Where white ones loose despite the factsand broken tempers dare not show.My short man complex struts about,puffed my chest in spite of doubt,to turn my failures inside outovercome what strangers think they know.Yet one alone crushes my stride,fragile like a baby inside,without a one I can confide.Too fat and continue to grow"MJS
"I saw a breaking heart attending to travel literature in the bookstore today. Carefully, I acknowledged his stare without exposing his fragile position. Frustration wrapped his fingers around the cafe paper napkin while his lover regarded him as second choice conversation. The roots of future disaster wrapped themselves unconsciously around seperate lives. With the ice of his latte completely disolved, his eyes cover the same simple sentances. Lapping the page in obvious facade, he embraces silence. As if by failed partnership silence has become his true other."MJS
"Wakingup in the remembranceof adorationandperverted bythe unconscious crueltyof the polar distancegrowingbetween good intentions.Heldin light forethoughtby the first strangertocomplicatemy steady stone soul.Justbarely thefeel of our skinand hisChristian smilemimics forgotten warmthlocked awayinside.The sealbreaks on my eyesandexposesthe most handsome morning.Momentarilyhis fingerswill lace intomineand draw on somethingI cannot recognize.Somebodyadored meonce.Amemory of thesentimentI had put outofmy mind."MJS