D O U G profile picture


WORKOUT 2nd season on BRAVO aires March 6th...Season 1 aires December 15 all day check listings

About Me

I'm one of the the 7 trainers on the New Hit Show On BRAVO called WORKOUT...I'm the openly gay Doug that has the heart of gold.I was born in Southern California in Burbank and I received my degree at the University of Southeern California (USC) home of one of Americans best college football teams the (TROJANS).I have been private training for almost 21 years in Hollywood and have one of the most extensive celeb list of clients of any trainer in Los Angeles...I have done 18 Marathons all Los Angeles and One New York City Marathon. I have benn in 26 Triathlons ranging from short sprint to Olympic distance...Spinning has been my heart and soul. I am one of the three longest spinning teachers left teaching from the original group when there was only 2 places in the whole world...I have seen Spinning grow to over 5000 facilities in the whole world...Spinning is what keeps me and my 43 year old body in shape and keeps me healthy and young at heart...

My Interests

All sports you name it I've played it once. I love all college sports espcially college football...basketball and volleyball...cooking, gardening, piano, workingout, road trips, traveling

I'd like to meet:

I am currently single...and I am enjoying it, however if the right guy came around I would love to have another long term realtionship for life this time...my longest is 14 years so I know what it takes to live with someone...I'm attracted to all types... but I really want to be in a realtionship were my partner is as concerned about me as he is about himself and he is concerned about others as he is about his body...A great body is nice to have and can get you alot in life but, if there is no heart and soul in that body then all you are is a shell and eventially even a shell is left empty with nothing more then a shell...


Alot of my clinets are in the music industry so my music taste range all across the board.


Will and Grace/ESPN


Biographies...sports,political,and anyone interesting


my MOM and DAD...I Always say that the love of my life was my MOM but the TRUE LOVE of my life was my Grandma...