As far as hobbies and things that I've always wanted to do. Here above are photomanipulations that I did with stock photos. The manipulations are just for fun but photography is what I want to focus on. I'd love to travel around the world and do freelance... its been a dream of mine since high school.Otherwise, hanging out with my friends and my brother are at the top right now. Anything competitive is fun for me.. still love the beach.Also if you click on any of these pictures they will take you to the origin of what you see;)
Rock, Metal, Indie, Classic rock, Hip hop, R&B, Electronic, Punk rock (Older stuff).I say it this way because Im busy and I dont have the time to list all the hundreds of artists I like.
Any movie that allows me to relate to multiple characters... that means a lot.. This is also a defining characteristic of a great movie.
Recently its Heroes, Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, National Geographic Channel in general, History channel, Adult Swim, etc.
A General Theory of Love, Angels and Demons, Fear and Loathing in America, Mindfulness, Infamous Scribblers, A Life With Dogs, this are some of the most recent readings I've finished... As of right now, Im reading into Mythology,large plantform;)
Friends and Family.