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Chekainerie will always make you happy

About Me

Well, I moved to Texas from Minnesota and live with my partner. Some people would say that i'm a little crazy and random, but i think that life is no fucking fun if you aren't a little on the kooky side. Shit doesn't need to be so serious. I love my family and friends, so beware. I wish that people would expose more depth than they do. Maybe then will I believe that people aren't just walking talking zombies who like to act like the world revolves around them. The world is so much bigger than we think so you should step back and look.
Oh and if you should come across my page and attempt to add me, be careful. I do not add people I do not know. My friend's list is a gathering of all of the people I actually know in day to day life. Send me an email and maybe we can chat for a bit, then I'll add you. And no bands I am not aware of. Please.
You scored as The Femme Fatale. You're carefree, dark and adventurous...and slightly fatale to the heart.

The Student Dyke


The Femme Fatale


The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke


The Quasi-Gothic Femme


The Sprightly Elfin Femme


The Surprise! Dyke


The Bohemian Dyke


The Little-Boy Dyke


The Hipster Dyke


The Stud


The Pretty-Boi Dyke


The Granola Dyke


The Magic Earring Ken Dyke

What Type of Lesbian Are You? (Inspired by Curve Mag.)
created with What do people ENVY about YOU?! [Deep+full results..amazing pics]
People envy you for your compassion. You're extremely trust-worthy, and yet almost hopeless-romantic. You're kind of a girly girl, and if not, then you're passionate about sports. You are a hard-working person, and people get jealous because they don't have as much energy as you do. But don't worry, just think about yourself sometimes. You're very kind, sweet and thoughtful. You love achieving your goals, but sometimes you can be a perfectionist. Don't worry, people like compassionate people! But don't let some friends get too close, they might try to get dirt on you or something! Well, the tin man wanted a heart, and he got one. You already have one.
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Which Family Guy character are you????
You have no friends, the biggest geek in school is obsessed with you, and the only boyfriend you ever had was a nudist.

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My Interests

I like playing my guitar and writing my own music, sewing, throwing pottery, discovering new music, theater, taking walks when i feel like it, hanging out with my friends and family (especially my partner), dreaming, and i wish i could be a burlesque my dreams...

DAMN THE MAN! (I'm not a feminist, but the fucked up system of this country needs to be addressed.)

Information EVERYONE should take into mind:
WATCH the movie An Inconvenient Truth and share it with as many ppl as possible!
change a light:

replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light will save 150 POUNDS of cardon dioxide per year.
drive less:
walk, bike, carpool, or take metro transit more often. you'll save one pound of cardon dioxide for every mile you don't drive!
recycle more:
you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.
check your tires:
keeping your tires inflated properly can inprove gas milage by more than 3%. every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere!
use less hot water:
it takes a lot of energy to heat water. use less hot water by installing a low-flow showerhead (350 pounds of carbon dioxide saved per year) and washing your clothes in cold or warm water (500 pounds saved per year).
avoid products with a lot of packaging:
you can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down on your garbage by 10%.
adjust your thermostat:
moving your thermostat down just 2 degrees in the winter and up 2 degrees in the summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
plant a tree:
a single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
turn off electronic devices:
simply turning off your television, DVD player, stereo, and computer when you're not using them will save thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
be part of the solution
learn more and get active at

adopt your own virtual pet!
You Are Glam Sexy
You live for flaunting your sexiness, and you totally work it.
Why not? You've got the goods - you might as well use them.
You're 100% woman, and you never go out without looking your best.
After all, you never can tell when you might bump into Miss Perfect! What Kind of Sexy Are You?

I'd like to meet:

People who intellectually stimulate me. I don't want to "kick it" with you and your boys. I'm happily partnered and plan on being that way for the rest of my life. I would like to meet people who are into non-profit organizations. My dream is to have my own non-profit to assist teenagers/young adults into transitioning into life out of their current situations. Just a thought. Maybe people should help each other more often. ?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
! You are most Like A Sapphire !Dark, mysterious - but unforgettable. You have a deepbeauty. Delicate, and shy you try to stay away from thelimelight but often your intelligence puts you in at thedeep end. You're like a Sapphire, because, your beauty is priceless.You're intelligent, full of opinions, and not big-headed about it all.Sometimes you need to put yourself out there, as you can be a bit shy.Congratulations ... You're the mysterious gem everybody wants to have and learn more about.
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Create your own Friend Quiz hereBEWARE OF THE CAMEL TOE!!!As mentioned above, a true cameltoe requires the clear cleft between the labia. In this situation the actual vulva resembles a real camel's toe. A true camel toe, not just one caused by clothing, results when a woman's labia minora stay tucked inside the labia majora, causing a slit like appearance of the vulva. Commonly, however, cameltoe is used to describe any visible display of the detail of a woman or girl's pubic area. As such, "bulges" are relatively common. The degree to which a mons pubis protrudes depends on a number of factors, including age and anatomical variation. A true cameltoe generally occurs with a single layer of material or clothing (i.e. no underwear). However, a bulge, or 'Mound of Venus', is much more ubiquitous since it can be seen through several layers.Cameltoes are found more often under the following circumstances: Exercise shorts, stretchpants and leggings —generally Lycra or spandex, Brief-style ladies underwear, Poorly designed jeans , Very tight-fitting jeans , Underwear sized too small , Latex or rubber clothing, Shaved genitalia. Cameltoes are sometimes deliberatly shown by exhibitionists who enjoy showing off their female form. There are lines of clothing that deliberately accentuate the cameltoe such as bikini styles with a central seam that is pulled tighter than the surrounding material.Alternate names are as follows: Moose Knuckle Beetle hood (Brazilian term referring to VW's car hood), Vemaguette's hood (another kind of car hood in Brazil), Ninja Slipper (see tabi.), Catcher's Mitt (bending over from behind), Clit-splitter (referring to very tight jeans), Muffin, referring to the shape Fasolo (derived from Italian slang), Burger, referring to a hamburger viewed from the side. Deer Foot, popularized by Oakland rapper Keak da Sneak Veggie, or Vaginal Wedgie (pulled up knickers) Beaver Cleaver (Canadian origin), Zebra Hunting (Mexico), Thunderpaw, referring to a very large camel toe, and Vertical smile


Bjork, The Cure, Tattle Tale, Depeche Mode, Tori Amos, Dead Can Dance, Coldplay, Radiohead, Tracy Chapman, Portishead, Poe, (new) Blink 182, Skinny Puppy, Dresden Dolls, Ani DiFranco, The Darkness, Type O Negative, Jewel, Modest Mouse, Siouxie and the Banchees, Sneaker Pimps, Franz Ferdinand, Sarah McLachlan, Tim Malloys, Front Line Assembly, Ministry, Nick Cave, Tool, A Perfect Circle, NIN, Incubus, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Peter Gabriel, David Bowie, Smashing Pumpkins, Mindless Self Indulgence, VNV Nation, Dido, All the Pretty Horses, Colour Spire, Death Cab for Cutie, Alkaline Trio, Catie Curtis, Ellis, Kinnie Star, Indigo Girls, Pigface, Depeche Mode, Regina Spektor, Dashboard Confessional, Sarah Brightman, Shiny Toy Guns, Scissor Sisters,and any old school punk.

I think pretty much when it comes to music people need to be more open and not so judgemental. If it strikes you, then go for it!

Everyone's wondering the song on my back, so here are the lyrics:

Perfect Fit

i could make a dress
a robe fit for a prince
i could clothe a continent
but i can't sew a stitch

i can paint my face
and stand very very still
its not very practical
but it still pays the bills

i can't change my name
but i could be your type
i can dance and win at games
like backgammon and life

i used to be the smart one
sharp as a tack
funny how that skipping years ahead
has held me back

i used to be the bright one
top in my class
funny what they give you when you
just learn how to ask

i can write a song
but i cant sing in key
i can play piano
but i never learned to read

i can't trap a mouse
but i can pet a cat
no i'm really serious!
i'm really very good at that

i can't fix a car
but i can fix a flat
i could fix alot of things
but i'd rather not get into that

i used to be the bright one
smart as a whip
funny how you slip so far when
teachers dont keep track of it
i used to be the tight one
the perfect fit
funny how those compliments can
make you feel so full of it

i can shuffle cut and deal
but i can't draw a hand
i can't draw a lot of things
i hope you understand
i'm not exceptionally shy
but i've never had a man
that i could look straight in the eye
and tell my secret plans

i can take a vow
and i can wear a ring
and i can make you promises but
they won't mean a thing
can't you do it for me, i'll pay you well
fuck i'll pay you anything if you could end this
can't you just fix it for me, it's gone berserk...
fuck i'll give you anything if
you can make the damn thing work

can't you just fix it for me, ill pay you well,
fuck ill pay you anything
if you can end this
hello, i love you will you tell me your name?
hello, i'm good for nothing - will you love me just the same?


Requium of a Dream, Dancer in the Dark, Run Lola Run, Quills, Amelie, all Michael Moore films, Wings of Desire, La Jetee, Metropolis, Welcome to the Dollhouse and Happiness.
Generally I enjoy my indie films and foreign films.


I generally try not to watch, but adult swim is my cup of tea. Robot Chicken is my friend.


I like reading Chuck Palahniuk (writer of Fight Club) and Michael Moore.


Anyone who has the courage to be themselves despite their obsticles. I think that's the most heroic thing you can do.

My Blog

Suicidal fish

There's this fish that Tagg's mom has and it keeps trying to jump outta the tank.  I don't know why, but it's this big fish, not like a beta or anything, and it jumped out probably a month ago.&n...
Posted by Chekainerie on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 02:49:00 PST

Wow the memories

I was getting on the computer to just play some tri-peaks solitare, but I put in one of my burned MP3 cd's that i stole off Ian's computer almost 6 months ago before I moved down here and found an old...
Posted by Chekainerie on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 04:52:00 PST

Move Along

I've probably done a lot of growing up in the last year or so.  When I look back at the year, I think that i've finally beginning to grow into the person I want to be and would like to be.  ...
Posted by Chekainerie on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:43:00 PST

A new breed of lesbian

We've been to Buddies twice since i got down here.  It's a relatively nice bar...sometimes it get a little dramatic because lesbians...well...we're dramatic.  Last time we were there some st...
Posted by Chekainerie on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:25:00 PST

Holy cheese puffs!!!

So Tagg and I are sitting here eating cheese puffs watching Cathy Griffin and minding our own business.  I was enjoying the cheese puffs, feeding them to wil-san, just going into our little ...
Posted by Chekainerie on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 12:21:00 PST

my bathroom looks like someone died in it

About 2 1/2 weeks ago, i decided that it was about time that I got my cervix fixed.  almost 2 years without a period is not a very good thing...for my body that is.  For me it was wonderful....
Posted by Chekainerie on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:10:00 PST

I feel bad

So I'm kinda confused.  I feel guilty because I want my friend back and I don't think i can.  It hurts, but I guess there's nothing that I can do about it.  We slept most of the day an...
Posted by Chekainerie on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 02:54:00 PST

If i play one more game of tri-peaks solitare my mind might explode!

So i'm writing a blog.  I don't know what about but, eh.  I'll give it a go. Laundry...laundry...laundry...lots and lots of laundry... I feel useless right now...i should watch TV and feel e...
Posted by Chekainerie on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:17:00 PST

Unfortunate Circumstance

My grandfather died today. I've been somewhat unaffected by this in a physical way.  I guess maybe i've learned to cope with things differently now that I'm older.  There's so much abou...
Posted by Chekainerie on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 02:56:00 PST

My cards

  Interesting... of course highly inaccurate due to the online aspect, but they got some things right! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- &n...
Posted by Chekainerie on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:42:00 PST