First Sub-officer Second Sergeant of the Mexican Navy!
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My names brett, and I'm 19 years old. I like warm nights and fat blunts and Family guy :D. I have a reverse Napoleon complex. Weed could be the right answer.
"Since I was a kid, I believed I had a gift.
That if I thought hard enough about a card, I'd be able to cut straight to it.
My old pappy always said I was a damn fool. But I knew... if I really believed and made it happen, that would be nothing short of magic.
Of course, it didn't always work. In fact, it'd never worked."
-Your mother
My taste in music is very broad, only thing I despise is country and gospel music.
I like good movies like these ones: The Sting. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Star Wars. Fight Club. Ocean's 11. Indiana Jones. Snatch. Monty Python & the Holy Grail. Catch-22. Airplane. Maverick. The Last Samurai. Breaking Away. Air Force One. The Untouchables. Ghostbusters. Pulp Fiction. Pirates of the Caribbean. Super Troopers. Old School. Top Gun. Mission: Impossible.
Well with all the thought and consideration put into this im still ganna have to go with marry jane and myself xD
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