Hosted By Deap-Designs.comI am Nicole (NiKi) 23 years old with two kids one boy one girl and husband that is my life. I am some one who loves to help every one. I love to sing and dance. I try my hardest to live by the word of God and to never give up on life. I have a family that i was blesed with and friends that I love just as much as my family I would do any thing for them they are all my world and some times they don't know it but they are what keeps me going. I belive to forgive even if you can't forget because you never know when you will see that person if you ever do. I think that some things that happen in life can be a blessing even if you don't see it when it happens. I love to make every one fill good and have a good time. I stay at home with my kids and I baby sit. And I would love to go back to school asp well when my 2year old starts going to school. I want to make my life better every day that goes by and if I can help some one on the way. Well that is me I would love to hear about every one that looks at this.Love NiKi
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