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I'm up for anything usually. Motorcycles, quads, wrestling (the real thing), hanging out, going out, drinking, Silverstrike, hockey (go BUCS), hunting, camping, boating, man I don't even know... all kinds of stuff.
Anyone who likes to ride bikes or quads, never have too many people to ride with. Especially since Steph wants to hang out with Heather on every bike night. If you want to have a good time... lets party.
I like all kinds of music. From rap to country to oldies. Eminem to Jonny Cash, I'll play it all.
I like all kinds of movies... horror to comedy, no real prefference. Ladder 49, Slapshot, Super Troopers, Top Gun, Happy Gilmore, Major Payne, Four Brothers, Days of Thunder. I don't know, there are lots more.
I don't really watch a whole lot of tv. The Unit, and Rob and Big, Pros vs Joes are the only shows I usually watch.
Men of Fire and 3000 Degrees are probably my two favorite books.Indecent Proposal:
They are all heroes...