Music Motorcycles Guitars Beer FUN !
EVERYONE & no-one, I guess. I take it as it comes and I take as I find.
Loadsa Stuff - Blues / Retro Rock / Classic Rock / Heavy Rock /Some Metal / Classical / Jazz / Folk. If it has class and stands up credibly on it's own, then it's good in my book. A seriously good guitarist or drummer bites my biscuit every time tho' . . . . . . .
Easy Rider; Spinal Tap; Blazing Saddles; The Producers (THE ORIGINAL ONE); Monty Python
QI; Music Biographies; Archaeology progs.; Antique progs.; American Chopper; WRC Rallying; Superbike Racing; Ludicrous Comedy.
Richard Laymon; Steve Harris; Stephen Donaldson; Douglas Adams.
Al Jolson; Noddy Holder; Too many guitar players to mention; Robert Palmer; Shagg.