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NOTE: Weekends are MOSTLY documentaries on Petroglyphs and Archeology PROVING that Columbus did NOT discover America! For more on this visit my other page: Elaine's Pages There are also very interesting documentaries on dinosaur tracks found right here in America documenting the "First" Earth Age.
The FIRST Earth Age(click here)
Satan REBELLED against God in that "first" earth age, that is why we have this second age, the one we are living in now. God destroyed that "age" and brought about this one, i.e., the "flesh"...There will be a 3rd. and final age... but that is a different subject. Learn of Satan's rebellion.Read in this study all about it! The Rebellion of Satan Bible Study (click here)The REAL sin in the "Garden of Eden"
Eve did NOT eat an apple! (click here)
Also learn about what happened in Gen. ch. 6:There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4GIANTS! (click here)
FALLEN ANGELS... As In The Days Of Noah (click here)The 4 Hidden Dynasties
More On The "Fake Jews", i.e., KHAZARS (kenties)
FACTS ARE FACTS (click here)
Listen To This!
Benjamin Freedman SPEAKS (click here)
Myron Fagan SPEAKS (click here)
Or listen to individual files here: The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations (click here)More... Thirst for Justice — The Illuminati (click here)
But what did Christ say concerning this subject? Christ DID indeed teach concerning the "kenites" i.e., "tares".
MANY places Jesus taught the "serpent seed"... those that "claim" to be jews but do lie, and are NOT. In fact in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 are the ONLY 2 Churches in which Christ found NO fault with out of the 7. That is because of what 2:9 and 3:9 say. It is what those 2 Churches were "TEACHING" that Christ found pleasing. The rest, Christ said to REPENT! Here are some good studies PROVING what I just wrote: Who are the "Tares"?The Parable of the Tares (click here)Again going back to The Garden of EdenThe Garden of Eden (click here)Here is one that Jesus Himself INSTRUCTED you to LEARN!The Parable Of The Fig Tree! (click here)The so called "Rapture Theory"...Have YOU been Decieved by the "fake" Jews... beware my friend, there are a LOT of them standing behind pulpits! They have their OWN plan, and it involes YOU!
What does God Say about it?
The Rapture Theory; What Does God's Word Say About It? (click here)
What about the "PAGAN" rite of Easter?... (ISHTAR)Have those fake jews fooled you on that one too?
Easter or Passover (click here)
NUMBER IN SCRIPTURE By: E. W. Bullinger (click here)
For those that would claim that Shepherd's Chapel and it's Students are "RACIST"... you need to View a SAMPLE of Passover Interviews!Passover Interviews (click here)In Answer to Critics (click here)
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I will be heading to Branson Mo. for Passover Service next week. I look forward to this service each year that I am able to attend! This yr's teaching should be really interesting... will update when I get back.~Elaine~
I promised an UPDATE so here it is... I created a new page for latest NEWS, INFOMATION, and UPDATES... You can visit here:Elaine's Extras... (CLICK HERE)
ATTENTION ALL BIBLE STUDENTS... ATTENTION ALL BIBLE STUDENTS...If you have not yet heard the "Current Events 2007" tape, then here it is!Current Events 2007 (click here)WOW! What an exciting year this is going to be! Iran is going to play a BIG roll in it all!Watch, watchmen, WATCH!~Elaine~ (1/17/07)
Fall Fellowship Message 2006:
Shepherd's Chapel "VISIONS" for 2007! (click here)
Is God's Wrath about to begin? Is time running out? Is God's Wrath about to begin?... I believe the answer to that question is "YES"...Interview with Stan Deyo(click here)Here is this guys WebPage:The Millennium Ark (click here)Dare To Prepare...(Precious Metals Will Always Be Precious...)Links Of Interest:USGS Latest Quakes
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