K.N.O.T.I.E means King Now On Top In Everything. My government given name is Kenny Carter the second. I’m originally from Queens. My family lived in South Side Jamaica Queens since the late 1950's . My mother and father migrated to Queens Bridge Housing Projects in December of 1988, after living in the Prince George welfare hotel for a year, located in Manhattan. It no longer exist, it was used to populate the New York City Housing Projects back then. We were all part of an experiment that we knew nothing about. However in my upbringing I’ve been exposed to many different walks of life, more negative than positive. I am the truth when its time to express these real life experiences . I’ve developed a way with words by reading the dictionary and practicing Sahaja Yoga (yoga of enlightenment) while incarcerated on Rikers Island during a 2001 arrest . I’ve done time before, but not like this. I was facing up to thirty-five to life if I lost at trail. When I lost to the lesser offense I was sentenced to three to six years in 2003. For a non- factual view on my situation check out People v. Carter, 27 A.D.3d 478(2nd Dept. 2006). Music is all that I have besides a f@ked up rap sheet that I was left with after the system pimped me. I wrote a book titled: From Crills To Hills since then. I also have constructed two albums one titled: Death Of A Pimp, Birth Of A King the Other titled: Who Was Knotie The Pimp. I am also staring in a motion picture called : After Hours Directed by: Koach K.Rich. Everything I do I put my heart in to it. My motto is Show Love Get Love. I will be- living out (my) vain existence(the acronym for l.o.v.e) until its my time to die. It is my duty to make people remember me.IF YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL WHO ARE TAKING TIME OUT OF YOUR BUSY LIFE TO EXPLORE THE INFORMATION THAT I HAVE ON THIS PAGE, MAY MY BLESSINGS BE UPON YOU. THERE COMES A TIME IN EVERY PERSONS LIFE WHEN THEY ARE TIRED OF LIVING A LIE, KNOWING THAT PURPOSE OF EXISTENCE IS GREATER THAN WHAT WE HAVE SURVIVED FOR. I ONCE INDULGED IN THE LIFE STYLE OF A PROMOTER OF PROSTITUTION. AFTER DOING TIME BEYOND MEASURE, THE BURNING WITHIN HAS PURIFIED MY SOUL. I CAN SEE NOW THINGS I WOULDN'T DEAR TO ACKNOWLEDGE BEFORE. I WAS OF THE FLESHLY WORLD. AS I COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR SPIRIT I BEAR WITNESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD IN SAVIOR AND THE POWER'S OF THE FATHER IS UNIMAGINABLE . I ONCE WALKED IN THE DARKNESS, BUT MY LIFE BECAME TROUBLE SUM BUMPING INTO THE EVIL SHADOW'S. WHEN I SEEN THE LIGHT, I REALIZED I WAS NOT ALONE. MY FAITH HAS DRIVING ME TO A PLACE WERE THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLS. IF YOU ARE CURIOUS ABOUT WHERE, YOU CAN LEAVE ME A COMMENT AND I'LL GIVE YOU THE ANSWER. ENJOY THE TALENT THAT GOD HAS BLESSED ME WITH...
After Hours trailer dir by Koack K. Rich
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