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Chapter HistoryOn March 27, 1927, the Mu Psi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi was established on the campus of North Carolina A&T College by Asa T. Spaulding, Henry Spruill, Waldo Faulkber and Warmouth T. Gibbs.The betterment of the A&T campus and the Greensboro community is Mu Psi's first goal. To foster uplift all men, the chapter has participated in activities such as voter regisrtation and education, step shows for the freshmen class and Dudley High School, fundraising for Talent Hunt and implementation strategies for Harvey Gantt's campaign.Mu Psi also participates in nationally mandated programs such as Big Brother, United Negro College Fund, NAACP, Adopt-a-Family, Habitat for Humanity, drug and alcohol abuse and assault on literacy.