My interest are simple, just to have fun, hang out, take care of myself and my family, that's all folks, lol!!!!
Oh and of course, this is really my BEST FRIEND, and I bet u knew that, lol!!!!
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You are sexy.
You instantly attract. You find it extremely easy to seduce someone as all it takes is a look in their direction.
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You are very dominant in bed, and you like to control your relationship in general.
You are so intense in the sack that none of your partners will ever forget you. You are an amazing lover, because you like to have an equal amount of give and take.
Sex matches: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces
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You have a sexual IQ of 138
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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You Are an Intense Kisser
When you kiss, it's deep and powerful
You don't take kissing lightly
Your kisses always have meaning
And they always make your head spin
What's Your Kissing Style?
You Are a Dare Devil
For you, life is one big dare.
And you're all in for any adventure.
Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating.
You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself!
How Daring Are You?
You Are Rum
You're the life of the party, and a total flirt
You are also pretty picky about what you drink
Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do
Except if you're dieting - then it's Diet Coke and Bicardi all the way
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
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Well I will like to meet Victor Manuel, Aventura, Don Omar, Jerry Rivera, etc. but I think that I will have to get used to just seen them, from far away, I mean I have seen a few artist, but from far away, not like I would want to, you know!, I will like to speak with them, hang out with them, like any normal person would do, just because there famous doesn't mean that they have to hide, and not talk to people, they should know better than that, they wore like us, but anyways, I guess that's not my problem, so, I want to say to all the people that are reading this and to all for seen myspace, maybe some day will meet face to face, like its supposed to be, , lots of to all, mu@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!I would like to meet a guy like this, wow, what a body, MY GOD!!!! uummmmmmmmmm, delicioso,lol, but wait, I'm just kidding
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,you should know better than that, life is not all about the beauty we have outside, it's about what we have inside,so, please, follow your heart and not your pants, trust me you won't regret it, I don't think that you will find happiness that way, trust me, don't be a fool, love is first, then beauty.TYSON BECKFORD
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I love all kind of music, I like reggaeton of course, salsa, merengue, bachata, r&b, slow jams, etc.
mueve la colita, asi,asi, como mueves la colita, jajaja!!!!
Wow, que sexy, not!!!!
Hay que hombre mas stiff!!!! lol
Mister mini, I guess his more stiff then the normal one, but much funnier!!!!, don't you think, lol
THIS ARE THE WORDS FOR THE SONG ON MYSPACE, ENJOY!!!! Lyrics to ThalÃa No No No (Feat. Aventura)Eya ay ay aya{Aventura}: Yo se que las palabras se las lleva el viento que por las veces que e mentido es muy dificil que hoy creas en mi quien no se ah equivocado y por error a herido un corazon,pues que tire la primera piedra esta noche me arrodillo por tu amor. perdon te falle y no fue esa mi intencion, por unas noches de aventura hay un dilema entre tu y yo, fui infiel lentamente me consumo en el dolor que me parta un rayo si te miento arrepentido en mi interior.{thalia}: no soy aquella niña que la ayer robaste un beso, el arcoiris que alumbraba mis mañanas ha perdido su color cuando se pierde la confianza de quien amas ya no hay nada no hay razon por continuar esas novelas si el guion se trata de traicion?perdon??de que?no me vas a convencer por tantas noches de amargura la soledad en mi habitacion, me fuiste infiel ,no te hagas el loco la victima soy yo que me parta un rayo si te perdono adolorida en mi interiorcoro: nooooooo no te alejes de mi no no no ,mi corazoncito no palpita sin ti son demasiado sin sabores, voy en busca de amores lejos de tiiii noooooo necesito un nuevo amor y compacion no,no,no . que me cure la herida y el dolor renuncio a tu abandono,,en este mundo quedo solo sin tu amor...ay ay ay aay {aventura} apunta pero no disparses no,no,no me desampares lloro por que soy el culpable{thalia} la misma cancion y el verso,siempre me dices eso pero ya el daño esta hechoay ay ay ay ay ay ay aay{thalia} ?alo? {aventura} mi amor .por favor perdoname te lo suplico {thalia} siempre me dices lo mismo ,no puedo me duele {aventura} te estoy hablando con sinceridad, por favor no me dejes {thalia} tu me rompes el corazon todo el tiempo es igual {aventura}: te amo ,te amo,por favor no te vayas {thalia}: yo tambien te amo pero...pero no.[coro]{aventura}: apunta pero no dispares,no,no,no me desampares lloro por que soy el culpable {thalia}: la misma cancion y el verso,siempre me dices eso pero ya el daño esta hecho(x2)I like action, romance, funny, scary (especially movies that come from Steven King), etc.
I watch a lot of soap operas, charmed, living single, 12 corazones, Fresh Prince of Bel-air, I know that some of them are old shows, but there good, and I still like them, so what, you got a problem with that?, jajaja, just kidding, lol!!!!
I read a lot of books when I have time, and no.....I'm not a nerd! and anyways reading is good for you, you should know that.
I don't have a heroe, really! I think that everyone is a heroe, everybody has a special thing that makes them a heroe, so please stop asking questions like that, your a heroe too, and you know that, right! lol!!!! and I'm not kidding, mu@@@@.