Jennifer profile picture


My name Jennifer and I am allergic to clay

About Me

Hello. Sometimes my friends like to pretend I am a boner, but I dislike it when men indecently expose themselves to me in the streets of Paris.I am going to outdo the Chancellor Exchequer and become the biggest economist in the world. You watch this space. Biatch. MWAHAHAHA.

My Interests

sushi, korean sitcoms, Chinese men pretending to be Japanese and selling sushi, Vietnamese metro attendants with one arm, harry and his potty.

I'd like to meet:

Helen Tang, because she has my pony.Joanna Moore- she has my onion bhaji.Harriet (Horobin-Worley to you) because she can't drink rosé warm.They are amazing and I want to be them. May the force be with them forever.


J pop, Urethra Franklin, etc.


House, Veronica Mars, Grey's Anatomy.


Children's books.


See who I'd like to meet. Biatch.