Jake's Beard profile picture

Jake's Beard

I smell sex and candy, yeah.

About Me

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very own MySpace LayoutsHey. I'm Jake's Beard. If you want to know more, read on!
Name Jake's Beard
Sex Male
Birthday 6-10-06
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color I don't have any :'(
Height 1-2 Inches
Your Heritage Jake
Siblings Wilner's Beard
Your Best Friend Mr. Mustachio
Single Or Taken Taken ;)
Do You Do Drugs On occasion.... I'm a hunka for a chunka CHEEEESSSEEE
Do You Drink ALWAYS
Color Deep purples
Food Anything that doesn't stick to me :(
Boy Name Jake
Girl Name Jike
Animal Llama
Have You Ever...
Smoked A few times...
Skinny Dipped =-X
Seen Your Crush Naked We won't talk about that...
Lied Sometimes... but I'm really really sorry.
Fallen For Your Best Friend Once :-/
Been Rejected Never!
Rejected Someone Hellz yeaz
Done Something You Regret Yes.... many a time.
Clothes Freeballing it, baby
Smell Jake's breath... 'specially in the morning... mmmm...
Fav. Band Gloria Gaynor
Desktop Picture Computers are for LOSERS
Annoyance Knots .Are You..
Understanding Very
Open-Minded Somewhat
Interesting What the fuck do YOU think?!
Random Not really
Moody On occasion
Organized To an extent...
Shy Not at all!
Difficult Some days... depends on the weather.
Attractive Unbelievably!
Obsessed Only with myself.
Opposite Sex..
What Do You Notice First Clean or Greasy
Best Eye Color Ewwww.... eyes are gross!
Best Hair Color Brown
Short Or Long Hair Don't matta!
Best Height 1-2 inches
Best Weight .2-.3 grams
Best Clothing Style None!
Just Some Last Questions..
Last Movie You Have Seen At The Theatre Snakes on a Plane
Fav. Cartoon TMNT
What Did You Have For Breakfast Milk
Could You Live Without Your Computer Oh yeah
Do You Dye Your Hair Nope
Who Makes You Laugh The Most I don't know how to laugh...
Do You Wish You Were Younger Sometimes... but I'm only 2 months old! :-D
Do You Have Any Crushes Ehh... I just wish Mrs. Renn wasn't so far out of my league!
Do You Like Highschool It's over! Never got to see it...
Do You Want To Get Married Definitely!
What Are Your Thoughts On Love I am in love now
Number Of Times Your Heart Has Been Broken Never. I don't have one.

Do You Get Along With Your Parents Always!
Do You Cuss Sometimes.
Do You Ever Wish You Had Another Name Yes. Chucky would be nice.
Number Of Close Friends 1
Have You Ever Had A Crush On A Teacher Nope
Have Any Tatoos Nope
Do You Have A Secret People Would Be Surprised By Yes!
Are You A Virgin Nope
What Theme Does Your Room Have Dont have one
How Do You Feel Right Now Kinda... hairy.
Whats One Of Your Bad Qualities I dunno...
Whats One Of Your Good Qualities I'm a beard.
Last Time You Cried In School Never
For Or Against Long Distance Relationships Depends what you mean by long... I like to be attached by the chin.
Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight Absolutely
Favorite Thing In Your Room Mirror
Your Nickname(s) Pwnmuffin, Hairy McHairhairs