Hi my name is Min. I still do not know well who I am.
Check my photos and videos. You may know about me...a bit.
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My World Visitor Map!
Bushido, Wrestling, Taido, Jiujitsu, MMA, Ninjutsu, Karate, Eating, Gaming, Photo, Movie, Music, Blackjack.
Good people, and also animals if they use the internet.
Eurobeat, Pops, Rock, Hip-hop, Techno, Clasical, really anything. I like listening your favorites.
1.Battle royal - 2.Makai tensho(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082699/) - 3.Poltergeist1.2.3 - 4.TMNT - 5.Drop dead fred - 6.Stand by me - 7.A league of their own - 8.Rain man - 9.Kramer vs. Kramer - 10.Spaceballs
Little britain, Life support,
Shibata(drunk martial artist. Funny but great.), -------(great artist on ice), Adam(Have I ever met him? because he is legend), George(Wrestler who makes people shut up), Yasui sisters(Good combination. Very interesting. Fantastic.)