Dancing, Jojo, this is for you. Football. That's right. College football. Love it, watch it, taught my kids to sing the fight songs before they could walk. Fishing, not serious, "gotta catch something or I'll be shamed for the rest of my life." The kind of fishing I do is more the "drop a line in the water, sit back, read, stare at the water, reel-in every once-in-a-while just to check and see if I have bait left" variety. Other than that just hanging out with friends and being outdoors. Campfires are the ultimate.
Millard Fuller, had the chance last year but couldn't. Jimmy Carter, the Queen, William Sloane Coffin, any one willing, open and honest enough to enjoy a conversation with no beginning and no end.
I like a little of everything. Of course I will always be a David Lamotte fan. In the car is has to be loud rock-n-roll to cover up my bad singing. When I'm working it's usually country. When the kids are in the car it is the Hamster Dance. Sad but true. Damien Rice always seems to be good.
LOTR - "I am no man!"; Princess Bride; Lawrence of Arabia; Love Actually; Sliding Doors; The Misson;
I think my days of reading for pleasure are numbered with these classes I'm taking. The last book that really blew me away was the Red Tent. Every woman should read it. I've tried to re-read all the books I was supposed to read in school and never did - so far it has just helped me to remember why I didn't read them the first time around.
Jojo and my grandfather. Also a huge fan of Jimmy Carter -truly a great person working for peace and justice even if he wasn't the best president.