Mary Ann B profile picture

Mary Ann B


About Me

I feel like I have finally figured out what type of CAREER I want to pursue. My plan is to apply for a dual-degree program to obtain both my Master of PUBLIC HEALTH and Master of Social Work OR just pursue a Master of Public Health. I want to contribute to society by doing something along the lines of HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. Ultimately, I want to intern, volunteer, or possibly even do some temporary work for the World Health Organization (WHO). We all have just one life to live and so with the HELP of research, education, prevention,advocacy and treatment people will be able to ENJOY their lives more. For now, I am just working to gain the valuable experience I need, all while trying to LIVE LIFE. I want to continue to TRAVEL and soak up different CULTURES. I still want to improve my SPANISH in hopes of becoming a fluent speaker. I want to GIVE back to the COMMUNITY. I want success that is measured by my ACHIEVEMENTS, MERIT, AND CONTRIBUTIONS. I want to make more money than my future husband. I want to do event planning on the side of my future career. Once again I just want to do SO much... but for now I am simply dealing with the "REAL WORLD."

My Interests

family&friends, quality time, LAZINESS, eating, spontaneity, sarcasm, curiosity, randomness, intense moments, navigating, travelling, planning events, the beach, conversations, speaking my mind, reading, scrapbooking, CHOCOLATE, cute smiles, scratch tickets, missed phone calls, chapstick, anything that involves fuuuuuuuun

I'd like to meet:

I basically want to keep in touch with EVERYONE, whether it's old or new friends.


SAVED BY THE BELL, Boy Meets World, Friends, Will & Grace, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Recess, Sex and the City, Law and Order: SVU, CSI, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Home or people makeover shows on TLC haha


THE DA VINCI CODE (a definite must-read!), Stupid White Men, The Vagina Monologues, Catcher in the Rye and a book that I read in 4th grade called The Cay.


my MOMMY :)

My Blog

I missed my flight!!!

So here I am at the airport in Madrid going on MySpace ha.  I had a flight at 7am and I woke up at 730... do the math.  From all the mornings it had to be this one.. and that was my FIRST ti...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 04:32:00 PST

DRAINED... but still having FUN

Alright so right now I'm in Rome with Marjorie.  From my last blog, I've gone to Sevilla (we ended up going there instead of Malaga anyway), Barcelona, Paris and now here in Rome.  All the t...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 09:49:00 PST

It´s almost over...

Everyone here agrees with the fact that our month here in Espana has gone by WAY too fast!  Our finals are coming up next Tuesday then our farewell cena (dinner) is on Wednesday.  On the bri...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 03:26:00 PST


Our trip to San Sebastian was quite interesting and FUUUUN.  Our bus ride there was the interesting part because I swear there was this one dude that was gonna blow up the bus!  It was some ...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 01:22:00 PST

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain...

Spain is GREAT!  There´s so much to do and see here.  Some friends and I have checked out some of the parks, museums, restaurants, shopping areas, etc. here and there´s still ...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 01:19:00 PST


I SO CAN NOT WAIT TO GO TO SPAIN ALREADY!!!  I found a travelling partner and after the Language Immersion program in Madrid we're going to Amsterdam and Paris!  THEN we're definitely g...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:15:00 PST


It's been a looooong week, but I am SO happy because my special sailor finally wrote to me!   We both may be busy doing our own things in our own busy lives, but at the end of each day ...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 06:56:00 PST


....made you look!   You nasty! haha  ...
Posted by Mary Ann B on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST