family&friends, quality time, LAZINESS, eating, spontaneity, sarcasm, curiosity, randomness, intense moments, navigating, travelling, planning events, the beach, conversations, speaking my mind, reading, scrapbooking, CHOCOLATE, cute smiles, scratch tickets, missed phone calls, chapstick, anything that involves fuuuuuuuun
I basically want to keep in touch with EVERYONE, whether it's old or new friends.
SAVED BY THE BELL, Boy Meets World, Friends, Will & Grace, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Recess, Sex and the City, Law and Order: SVU, CSI, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Home or people makeover shows on TLC haha
THE DA VINCI CODE (a definite must-read!), Stupid White Men, The Vagina Monologues, Catcher in the Rye and a book that I read in 4th grade called The Cay.
my MOMMY :)