ELECTRO 5 profile picture


Welcome to ELECTRO 5

About Me

The founding members of ELECTRO 5 are Lothar Kovacsek and Michael Kay.
Lothars.. enthusiasm for music was arised through hearing mixed music from various DJ..s. Very soon it was clear for Lothar that he wanted to produce his own music. He bought two MK2 record players and a mixer. Starting with the first vinyl, today his collection consists of 1500 records. After his friends did not return the borrowed mixed tapes, Lothar presumed they were good and thus the path to becoming a DJ in American clubs was paved.
It was in the clubs that Lothar collected his knowledge and a feeling to what is favoured on the dance floor in terms of sounds and also what is decisive for a successful beat construction today.
In 1998 Lothar started his first sequencer production. The reason for this was because the making of music with a record player had been fully utilised and a further progession in this type of sound horizon was not given.
Michaels.. enthusiasm for music started way back in his childhood. It was sparked through learning to play the accordion. Michael had private lessons. The urge to play in front of a live audience, was the reason that Michael joined an accordion orchestra consisting of 40 musicians. The sound of a musical ensemble, of 40 accordions, partly playing different harmonies, impressed Michael to such an extent, that in 1994 Michael decided to try composing with a synthesizer as well as a digital sampler including the appropriate software.
Working on various projects, together with other producers, as well as making a few remixes himself was not enough for Michael. In 1997 he grounded the Rap and RnB Band ..Noise Department...
For the first CD as a solo producer and the promotion of the live performance Michael became support from SL Audio Team.
After the departure of rapper McSun Born from the band (McSun Born returned to his homeland USA) the inevitable split up of ..Noise Department.. took place.
Michael and Lothar created ELECTRO 5 in 1999 and moved their equipment collectively to the ENJOYMENT STUDIO in Hammersbach.
After completing various home recordings and participating in music contests, the so called EFFICIENTAL STYLE, invented from ELECTRO 5, was born. The EFFICIENTAL STYLE is influenced through previous and various music directions and today the bands.. trademark.
ELECTRO 5 is always on the look out for talented singers, both female and male, for future projects with the definite goal: to become a commercial success.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/26/2006
Band Members: ***** L.KOVACSEK / MICHAEL.K *****


Sounds Like: ELECTRO 5

Video is made by Richie (V.O.W.2)


Type of Label: None

My Blog


Added the next Trax at 09.11.2007change EXOTIC GIRLforCREATIVITY
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:43:00 PST


Added the next Trax at 22.07.2007change EKWforMAKE LUV
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 04:23:00 PST

9. Upload

Added the next Trax at 14.04.2007ELECTRO´S   DANCE  REMIX
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:59:00 PST

8. Upload

Added the next Trax at 31.03.2007change THE JAMSKATE SONGforPERFECT BEAT
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 06:49:00 PST

7. Upload

Added the next Trax at 03.03.2007change ALL AROUND THE CLOCKforMYSPACE.COM
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 04:21:00 PST

6. Upload

Added the next Trax at 26.01.2007change CREATIVITYforELECTROS DANCE
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 06:44:00 PST

5. Upload

Added the next Trax at 25.11.2006change M.A.K.E.L.U.V forIGNITION
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 03:39:00 PST

4. Upload

Added the next Trax at 03.11.2006change PERFECT BEAT forNOIZY BIRDS...
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:39:00 PST

Third Upload

Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:00:00 PST

Second Upload

Added the next 2 Trax at 08.09.2006IgnitionExcalibur ...
Posted by ELECTRO 5 on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 05:28:00 PST