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hi haters

About Me

YO I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE TIME TO SAY THAT JACKIE IS THE DUMBEST HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW LOL LISTEN TO THE SONG AND ANY RAP SONG ON THE RADIO RIGHT NOW ITS ABOUT MEEEE R U FUCKING RETARTED??? I GUESS SO, PEACE BITCH ! LOLOLOL FLOSSSIN!woahhh man, this is nuts, holy shit, shout outs to dip set 4 life, god damm! i did it!FUCK YOU...I rep the west, but am one of the few with enough balls and ammo to be able to fully rep the west, i chill in the east because the east knows how to get down too, 1 cause, its the blue carpet treatment mothafuckas, im ready for anyone with enough balls to come test me and my crew, i double dog dare you bitch.I forgot about love, because every girl i've ever been with i either don't care enough about, or she just likes to suck alot of dick and i dont care about her, i need someone real...not a bitch who takes it in the ass 5 times a day by some other dude, not even close to as good looking as me.I make beats better then most people i know, i dj, and i play the drums and keyboard, i taught myself everything ON MY OWN, i was born poor and now i'm rich, step the fuck out of my way.snow white 4 sale -_-my homeboy dj skee.......

My Interests

u cant fuck with this shit i just made last summa

I'd like to meet:

the one on the right, who ive been waiting to meet for so longgggggggg =/ the future wifey :))


Dog Run, Romper Stomper, Me Myself And Irene, Resevior Dogs, Buffalo'66, Fight Club, The Believer, Home Grown, Poolhall Junkies, I Am Sam, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite, Pulp Fiction, Killing Zoe, and lot's of Sundance shit

My Blog

today . 2........

today i realized im an idiot and i realized i fucked up and i got reallly drunk and i realize i lovr her jackie im sryyyy i love u  mamma plzzz take me back i dont wanna go home plzz jackieeeeeee...
Posted by his low rida...k-9 un!t on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 01:34:00 PST

today i...

i got my ears gaged from 20's to 10's at that new store "the rock" that just opened up in the palisades.  I might start working there too, you people need to check out this store, it's nice like ...
Posted by his low rida...k-9 un!t on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:20:00 PST