Interests: partying, listening to Andrew WK before partying and taking photos of my friends when they pass out :) ........oooo and Torah of course.
THE WAR ON OUR HOME - july, august 2006. In honour of those who fell defending our nation and our people Z"L. Courtesy Ahikam Seri.....UM YISRAEL CHAI
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classical, trance, house, 60s and 70s rock and israeli music are sufficeint sustanence for me. No eating needed if i hav my ipod!
Donnie Darko, Fiddler On The Roof, Jarhead, Munich, American Beauty, Shindlers List, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now, Crash, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut..........and anything else by the genious Stanley Kubrick
My mummy says TV is a manifestation of Satan
MySpace Ticker
Tevye the milkman.....TRADITIONI am Tevye!
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