CaveatLow fives to u my friends.
I am Tim, aka Tuikip.
My living's all about feeling good, lost and depressed.
Insomniac. Chondromalacia. Bipolar. BDD. Anyone?
If u don't got much else to do all day, you're welcomed to;
Fill my stark, raving, sick, sad, little world.
Alright. This is what I want: Vocal gymnastics that Mr.Brandon Boyd
of incubus possesses. So I sing, sing, sing for that feel good high,
but this is 1 of the many arts I'll never perfect.
I've got be motivated for just about everything I do, to get done.
Yeah, i'm that lazy. Agreed.
What I need is love; something that transcends all sickness.
The cure for the bad habits we've discounted.
I wish for us all to be generous in putting into practise this gospel;
atleast to those that matter to us - You'd make this life worth living
so much more.
My one word for everything that's happening around us: 'ENOUGH!'
Incubus: Dig
Tuikip's Kiljuana
Ju: kan do it!