ART-My creativity is an important part of my life, as long as I have it I can handle any- thing that life throws at me. I love to sketch, paint, decopage, press flowers, do mosaics, work with fimo, and create yard art with found objects. You could say I'm a "jack of all trades, master of none." Photography is a more recent interest, I love taking pictures of odd and unusual things in addition to the flowers and insects in my garden. Which brings me to my next interest, gardening. I love growing things, I love digging in the dirt, I love the smell of dirt, I love the feeling of dirt in my hands, when in my garden I feel tranquil and my mind can rest. I have a facination with the Divine, as well as the metaphysical. And last but not least I love to read. My favorite tomes are spiritual and metaphysical, such as alchemy, white witchcraft, and divining with runes.
The Riches. Futurama. King of the Hill. Family Guy. American Dad. History channel, TLC, Discovery. My new fav is "MAD MEN" on AMC I highly recommend it.
"I am me I am Free" (a robots guide to freedom) by David Icke "The beginner's guide for the Recently Deceased" by David Staume. Witchcraft (theory and practice) by Ly De Angeles. All of Scott Cunningham's books (I own about 95% of them) The Book of Secrets by Osho. "The Active Side of Infinity" by Carlos Castaneda which is the book that started me down my path. I have since read and now own his other books: The teachings of Don Juan, A Separate Reality, The Power of Silence, The Art of Dreaming. Many gardening books. Many Art books.Boys Life by Robert McGammon. Bag of Bones by Steven King. Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. The Lovely Bones.
Dr. Zoidberg.
The DMT Body