Tazer Clause profile picture

Tazer Clause

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, I live my life rather unapologetically. If you know me, you know that I am a thinker, a doer, and a microphone abuser. Music is my significant other, what can I say?

Music may in fact be my lover, but people are my inspiration in life. My friends & family are my top priority. I would do anything for them. Humor is my gasoline of choice these days too. If you don’t find me laughing at myself, I will most likely be laughing at you. *points finger*

And when I am not busy being a generalized degenerate, I enjoy writing a great deal. My goal is to publish a series of books about my personal experiences. I figure if I can make someone laugh, even at my own expense, I can die happy.

My life summed up: Friends, family, art (music, writing, paintings, etc.), oh yeah, and being crazy...

My Interests

Writing/playing music, writing commentary, making people laugh, making out with people, garage sales/estate sales, antique stores, Greeks/Greece, my friends, loving people, journalism, making-out, jogging, avoiding bad things, and laughing at the bad things that occur in my own life.

I'd like to meet:

FYI: You better be nice to me or my family *coughsGreeekmafia* will be very unhappy.

Anyhow, I would like to meet the following:

* People who are nonjudgmental.
* People who love music.
* People who wear plaid.
* People who will make-out with me...kidding...okay, maybe not...but um...
* People who eat weird ethnic cuisine.
* People who are willing to pull a wedgie out for me if I were deemed unable.
* People who will tell me if I have a booger hanging out of my nose, etc.

I love people. Well, most, anyway...


The Smashing Pumpkins (fav band), Yeah Yeah Yeahs (other favorite), Jeff Buckley, Pixies, The Beatles, Bach, Modest Mouse, Interpol, The Roots, Spoon, Tegan and Sara, Stelios Kazantzidis, Simon and Garfunkel, Metric, Flaming Lips, The Shins, Aisjump, Blondie, Nada Surf, Jay Z, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, Garbage, Death Cab for Cutie, Outkast, Alkaline Trio, The Cure, Dramarama, Mogwai, Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Fugazi, Bjork, Muse, And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead, Queens of The Stoneage, Built to Spill, Jimi Hendix, Zwan, Mikis Theodorakis, Hall and Oats, Jimmy Chamberlin Complex, The Jolenes, The Postal Service, Tommy Dorsey, The Knife, Wolf Parade, Brazilian Girls, New Order, Radiohead, Weezer, Willie Bobo, Beck, United States of Electronica, Superdrag, ARCADE FIRE...


Old School, A Christmas Story, Ghost World, Amelie, Anchor Man, Dazed and Confused, Royal Tenenbaums, Sarah Silverman "Jesus Is Magic," Clerks, Igby Goes Down, All Over Me, Uncle Buck, Goonies, Baby Boom.


Scrubs, Robot Chicken, Arrested Development, The Sarah Silverman Show, Absolutely Fabulous, Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Kathy Griffin's "Life On The D-List"


I absolutely worship J.D Salinger, David Sedaris, Kingsley Amis, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Enough said.


My mom for always giving the gift of hilarity; even in the worst of circumstances. I love her to bits. I mean, you know you are truly loved when someone selflessly cleans up your vomit, and makes you broth the following days...lol.

Also, Mechelle too, because she tells me, "I'll punch your f*$king face, bitch..." on a daily basis at work. You just have to know her; she makes me feel warm and gooey inside. :o)

My Blog


My body hate's me but I'm totally trying to make it dig me again... Good news: I have a personal trainer named, Chuck. He's a 330 lbs. former football player with a fucking awesome sense of humor...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 11:06:00 PST

"Give me that funk, that sweet, that nasty stuff."

I've been in gray area mentally (again). I've been trying to patch it up before it becomes too obvious though.  I find my remedy has always been playing music/listening to it, reading, writi...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:28:00 PST

Give it here. No, wait...take it.

Well, let me do my best at an exhausted/half-assed update... 1. Mom and Pappy are home & had a great time. 2. Even with procrastination, death, a $100,000. dollar pending lawsuit, and a sick...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:28:00 PST

I blinked.

One last thing: While there have been some pretty obvious awful things this month, there has also been some (beyond) good things too... Peter's officially in remission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dale's...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:16:00 PST

Dont blink too fast.

October came and went with a wrath like no other. Though, I had anticipated a beautiful month - it didn't quite turn out as forcasted (to say the least). In this month, I have learned a very vaulable ...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:01:00 PST

Yee Olde Cat Lady

After getting off work tonight, I tried to remind myself that I needed to stop off at the pet store and pick up my two (asshole) cats their special food (they ate the last of it earlier...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:06:00 PST

A quickie...

Kippy & I had a platonic date night. It was soo effing fun! She and I haven't been out (one-on-one) in ages. We had an appetizers at Doug Fir, few drinks, and then bounced over to o...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 01:03:00 PST

Barron Von Bullshit

Making a list is my most favorite thing ever... Random questions and comments by Tasia Stogiannis. 1. A-drives: What the hell happened to them? I still love mine (even though it's ...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:39:00 PST

This. That.

I can't write. I sit, I try, and I end up more angry at my inability to articulate. The real clincher is, I wrote something I actually liked. Something I was proud of. I am an...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:26:00 PST

I love you more than money.

I decided to go to Best Buy today and buy music. I bought a few cds, some Jeff Buckley, Feist (yes, I know so annoyingly good that it makes it bad), and Tegan and Sara's latest.Might I just say that I...
Posted by Tazer Clause on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 02:17:00 PST