HanGinG OuT, karaoke karaOkE KaRaOke, FuTsaL, FooTBaLL, bowling bowLinG bowLinG, sNooKeR & pOOl, CLuBBiNg, sleeping is the best thing to do. n my lattest interest .... readinG financial booKs. give me a motivation to be a rich guY. muahahahaha :Þ
as much people as i can. mostly the one that can be trust.
AnyThinG.........as long as it nice for my ear to hear it.
Lord Of The Rings, Lord Of The Rings, Lord Of The Rings, ehehehehe have to say it because they have 3 episode. U've GoT SerVeD!!! 2 fast 2 furious, finding Nemo :Þ, all the scary movies including Scary Movie *LoL* and so much more.
C.S.I, everybody loves Raymond, Fear Factor, C.S.I Miami, Q.E.4.A.S.G, Monk, According To JiM and a Lot MoRe......... bLa...bLa...bLa....
RoberT T KiyosaKi.... mY MotivatoR....... RicH DaD, PooR DaD n aLL of it KinD.
the most courageous and kind-hearted, the one and only Prophet.