Uh. Music. Playing music. Listening to music. Writing music. An occasional video game. Thats it.
Someone who says they can "play" drums and actually can. Trying to find someone to replace my crazy old drummer, Joey. Maybe one of my favorite professional musicians. I'd like to meet Jesus. Oh Yeah. I'd like to meet a girl who likes music as much as I do. Yeah, that would be killer.
Don't get me started. I listen to hundreds of different bands and music styles. I'm listening to a lot of Joe Satriani and other instrumental guitarists. I love Led Zepellin, Skynyrd, and a really cool cover artist from Madtown Indiana, Danny Lee Anderson.
I Am Legend is one of the best movies I've seen this year. The Bourne Trilogy, Star Wars, and Office Season 1.
I don't watch t.v very often, but when I do I watch Discovery Channel. I like Mythbusters and How It's Made. Other than that I don't watch a whole lot of anything else.
I read a lot of music theory and guitar magazines. I have read a few good books in the past few years, but I don't have the time to read every day faithfully, but I do try to read my Bible every day. There's some very good stuff in there.
Drummers.......Really, people who play drums. No, for real this time. Drummers.