Elvis Costello once said that there isnt a problem that cant be solved with a little bass and treble. I find that to be oh so true. When the sky is black, the clouds are thick as a ships hull and the sun has decided to take the day off, music can always shine some light onto the world. Alot of people get really hung up on the genre and catigorization of music, but I like to think music is music. There's always something for everyone, and some of us like it all. I tend to write alot of sadder songs, not in the tradition of "woe is me" country music as one might think, but in the tragic folk tradition. Ive found that in the hopelessness there can be found some sort of gleaming, shinning dream of one day rising above all of that.
Unlike many songwriters, I feel the instrumentation is merely acompaniement for the poetry. If lyrics cannot stand on their own as the heartwrenching poetry they should be, what good are they? Hank Williams, Townes Van Zandt, Bob McDill, Bob Dylan, Gram Parsons, Dolly Parton, Tom T. Hall....the list goes on. Not songwriters, poets. Thats what I truly strive for, poetry. Like the train soaring through the western plains or the lone semi-truck on the dark, desolate highway, my guitar is merely a vehilce my lyrics have hitched a ride on. So, throw your thumb in the air and join us. music layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments + MyHotQuiz