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Sam Felman

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About Me

My name is Sam Felman and I am a professional videographer. I began shooting home movies at age 10 when I received my first (and last) Tyco Video Camera. Although I was limited to only shooting movies in the living room of my house; because the camera had to be connected to the TV to work; I learned basic framing from spending every evening after school experimenting with the camera. Not much later, I upgraded to choosing filmmaking as a career choice at age 12. Today, I have done camera work on KCET's show "California Connected" and worked with fellow filmmakers on over 200 video projects. I can work as an audio operator, cinematographer, stage manager, script supervisor, and much much more! I was reasently asked why I want to be a filmmaker when there is almost no job garuntied to me in the industry and I responded, "I couldn't see myself doing anything else."

Thank you for watching my movies and keep watching for more from the almost famous,

Sam Felman

My Interests

Hey Sam!!

ActingCasting Frontier
Hollywood Acting Class
Instant Cast
LA Casting
Email LinksAmerica Online
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Myspace EditingMyspace Editor

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"School Crossing"


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-Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
--- Episode 1
--- Episode 2
--- Episode 3
--- Episode 4
--- Episode 5
--- Episode 6

My Blog

The 28 Principles

The 28 Principles1) Become Incredibly SelfishWithout you, there is nothing, and attraction isn't possible. 2) Unhook Yourself From the FutureAttraction works in the present, not in the future. 3) O...
Posted by Sam Felman on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 01:04:00 PST


Posted by Sam Felman on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 05:28:00 PST

Best Movies of All Time

~40 Year Old Virgin ~Bedazzled ~Blade Runner~Blazing Saddles~Breach~Casablanca ~Cellular ~Children of Men ~Cloverfield~Death to Smoochy ~Devil Wares Prada, The ~Dr. Zhivago~ET the Extra Terrestrial ~E...
Posted by Sam Felman on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 02:26:00 PST

Save Darfur.

"Omar al Bashir told us that we should kill all the Nubas. There is no place here for the Negroes any more" Words of a Janjawid fighter, according to a refugee from Kenyu, interviewed by Amnesty Inte...
Posted by Sam Felman on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:19:00 PST