God, cultures, languages, law, water sports & good friends!
Name: Luisk!
Birthdate: 25 FEB 87... Best day ever
Birthplace: SJ, CR
Current Location: Montes de Oca, SJ
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 1.62cm
Weight: 1.70k
Piercings: Nop
Tatoos: Nop, about to
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nop
Overused Phraze: OPD! Tartutic!
Food: Greek, Peruvian and Turkish
Candy: Pixie Sticks & Gummy Cokes
Number: 17
Color: Brown and Orange
Animal: Platypus, cow and echidna
Drink: Jazmin rose Dasani; Iced, black and green tea
Alcohol Drink: Caipirinha
Bagel: Cream cheese and salmon
Letter: ...weird question... "L"
Body Part on Opposite sex: Hands & arms
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: MC!!!!
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: Both are perfect
Chocolate or Vanilla Whatever
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Hug
Dog or Cat: Cat... but dog too
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scaaaary
Love or Money: Love... hmmmmm
Bedtime: around 11:30
Most Missed Memory: ICS High School!!!!
Best phyiscal feature: Back.... uyy, la protesis!
First Thought Waking Up: No quiero ir a la U!!
Goal for this year: Lose weight, drivers licence, have fun
Best Friends: Adri C, Cris, Mapa, Manri, Adri V, Marce, Mayid, Nara, Jo
Weakness: Lazyness
Fears: BLOOOOOOD!!..... darkness :S
Heritage: Huh?
Ever Drank: Yup
Ever Smoked: Nop
Pot: Nop
Ever been Drunk: Definetely
Ever been beaten up: Nop
Ever beaten someone up: Kinda
Ever Shoplifted: Nop
Ever Skinny Dipped: Woohoo... Yeah
Ever Kissed Opposite sex
Been Dumped Lately: Sucks but yeah
Favorite Eye Color: Black or brown
Favorite Hair Color: Black
Short or Long: Short
Height: around 1.60
Style: Preppy-fashion
Looks or Personality: PERSONALITY
Hot or Cute Both
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: Athletic
Number of Regrets in the Past: Not many
What country do you want to Visit: Seychelles, Trinidad, Norway, Mongolia, Vanuatu
How do you want to Die: Oldie or sometinh realted to water
Been to the Mall Lately: Yesterday
Do you like Thunderstorms: Scared of the rain, love the lightning
Get along with your Parents: People envy me
Health Freak: Naa, I'm ok
Do you think your Attractive: Think so
Believe in Yourself: Soooooooo much
Want to go to College: Currently in
Do you Smoke: Never
Do you Drink: Socially
Shower Daily: Twice and three times if possible
Been in Love: 3 times, 1 of them extremely strong
Do you Sing: Hope I could
Want to get Married: In about 15 years
Do you want Children: 3
Have your future kids names planned out: Yeah, but irrelevant
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Pass
Hate anyone: Not that kind of person
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: Black/brown
Height:: 1.62m
Favorite Color:: Brown
Screen Name:: Kili
Favorite Band:: Save Ferris
Favorite Movie:: 10 Things I Hate About You/Chicago
Favorite Show:: The Amazing Race
Your Car:: Tiida
Your Hometown:: Sabanilla
Your Present Town:: ...same one
Your Crushes First Name:: G... letter is better
Your Grade:: 1st/2nd in college
Your Style:: Preppy/fashion
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Chris'!
Kissed someone in the rain?: Memorable
Danced in a public place?: All the time
Smiled for no reason?: Just did...
Laughed so hard you cried?: Can't count the times
Peed your pants after age 8?: Dreaming at night
Written a song?: Not my thing
Sang to someone for no reason?: Anybody that knows me can answer
Performed on a stage?: That's Luisk!
Talked to someone you don't know?: Everyday
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: That's me again
Made out in a theatre?: Yeaaah
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Jaja, a few more times
Been in love?: Tough but yeah
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Ri
Tell you, I love you?: Bau and Manri
Kiss you?: Ile
Hug you?: Mami!
Tell you BYE?: Dal, just did
Write you a note?: Alex.... :.(
Take your photo?: Mari... Malpa!!!
Call your cell phone?: Abuee!!!
Buy you something?: Nat
Go with you to the movies?: Cuka!... Curious George!
Sing to you?: Cuka... Jack Johnson!
Write a poem about you?: Jo
Text message you?: Cuka... hay que planear la noche!
Touch you?: Hmmm...
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Doint it right now!
Time you cried?: Last night.... :S
Movie you watched?: Curious Gorge!
Joke you told?: Para tanto no me da la jupa
Song you've sang?: Respect-Aretha Franklin (on it)
Time you've looked at the clock?: Hour ago
Drink you've had?: Beer
Number you've dialed?: 848-1566... Cuka!
Book you've read?: Sobre la Libertad-John Stuart Mill (not finished)
Food you've eaten?: Sour cream!
Flavor of gum chewed?: Mint
Shoes you've worn?: Black-white checkered slip-ons
Store you've been in?: Libreria Internacional
Thing you've said?: "Demasiado lleno estoy"
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Nop
Whistle?: Not loud, but can
Blow a bubble?: Huge ones
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Who can't?
Cross your eyes?: Scared of getting stuck but yeah
Touch your tounge to your nose?: :( always have wanted
Dance?: & go crazy w/ it!
Gleek?: What the hell does that mean???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Last weekend... Beach!
Speak a different language?: Italian & English in the afternoon (que raro que ponga todo en ingles :S)
Impersonate someone?: Noon... A Law teacher... that was funny
Prank call people?: Years ago
Make a card pyramid?: Can't remember
Cook anything?: Today and always!!!!
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: a fish, I'd be in the Olympics
I wish ...: to have great abs again!!!
So many people don't know that ...: Costa Rica is the best country in the world.
I am ...: sooo craaaaazy!
My heart is ...: still a bit devasted 'cause of love
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You Are 60% Capitalist, 40% Socialist
While you are definitely sympathetic to a free economy, you also worry about the less fortunate.
Wealth and business is fine, as long as those who are in need get helped out too.
You tend to see both the government and corporations as potentially corrupt.
Are You a Socialist or Capitalist?
---myspace layouts & contact tables
Regina Spektor, Alanis Morissette, Frou Frou, Save Ferris, Jack Johnson, Phoenix, Smash Mouth, Goldfrapp, Cas Haley, Kinky, Royksopp, Jason Mraz, Mylo, La Caution, Freezepop, Sussie 4, Spiderbait, Gotan Project, Temposhark, Letters to Cleo, India.Arie, Bally Sagoo, Craig David, Groove Armada, Spin Doctors, All Saints, Telepopmusik, Kelis, Barenaked Ladies, Mya, Apollo 440, Natalia Lafourcade, Caesars, Dub Pistols, Malpais, Fat Boy Slim, Quarashi, Sia, Joan Jett, Sertab Erener, Sugar Ray, Supergrass, Jem, Sin With Sebastian, tipica griega" ..
Austin Powers in Goldmember, 10 Things I Hate Abou You, Chicago, Love Actually, Lady In The Water, Babel, Thank You For Smoking, The Beach, V for Vendetta, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Closer, Les Choristes, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Simon Birch, Pay It Forward, Under the Tuscan Sun, Sister Act 1 & 2, Serendipity, LOTR, The Sandlot, Little Miss Sunshine, Vera Drake, Elephant, Langroliers, The Cube II: Hipercube..
The Amazing Race, Brothers & Sisters, Travel & Living shows, One Tree Hill, Deal No Deal, Gilmore Girls, DH, Late Night with Conan O'Brian, Lost, Dirty Sexy Money, Kid Nation
World Almanacs or Atlas, NEWSPAPERS!! (lov'em), El Poder Del Ahora-Eckhart Tolle, El Costarricense-Constantino Lascaris, Fouche-Stefan Sveig, El Pasado Es Un Extraño Pais-Daniel Gallegos, Law related
Ian Thorpe, Alex Popov, Mike Phelps, Lenny Krayzelburg, Ed Moses (SWIMMIN'RULES), Kofi Annan, Frida Kahlo, Margaret Thatcher, Merrillees Parker, Ian Wright, Anthony Bourdain (T&L hosts)