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I am here for Friends

About Me

once way back in 1987 nie on 20yrs little timmy was created in the depths of Royal Womens Paddington to an aussie babe and a greek gentlemen and timothy lived happy and spoiled for two years until alex was born maybe in the same location. not much happened for a while. one day 11-12yo an older timothy (now tim) broke his arm (left) both bones! he twisted his balls (scientific name tortion) NOT HIS FAULT BY ANY MEANS! AN ANATOMICAL PROBLEM LOL. Did his HSC at sacs. He now studies very hard at UNSW doing a B of Social Science and policy. (SLSP to those in the know) welcome... xo look if ure ever lucky you might even get to see the scar.
Online Status Icons

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My Interests

I love rugby union, go hunters hill subbies!!!! league sucks. heaps of sports, beach especially Noosa. and something prob no one knows... i love body boarding being out on the surf not knowing any one (me time) nothing beats catching a wave and ure heart pumping awesome!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


R&B, Hip-Hop, House, Cat empire, Carol King Cat Stevens, Carlos Santana,(any band starting with c! lol nah) Rob Thomas, powderfinger, Jazz, Blues Brothers 2000, Tim Freedman= The Witlams. (im hell mainstream), love Lupe Fiasco atm esp daydreamin'! also ministry's chillout sesh 06 :) EVERYTHING THATS GOOD, hate punk, trance, anything with XTREME drumming and symbols crashes lol ATM my favorite musician is LUPE FIASCO (food and liquor) goodvibrations 2007. J5, Rahzel, snoop!, martini cluB!!!


miami vice was mad, gladiator, men of honour, the note book, 007s, you me and dupree, old school, american pie's, cracker jack, thunderstruck, anchor man, comedy, Spy Game, Bourne Identity, Oceans 11 and 12, Italian Job, The Ladies man, SERIANA, Lantana, DEvil WearS PraDA. The ladies manTHE NEW JAMES BOND 007 CASINO ROYAL DRILLS EVERYTHING


love idol, greys anatomy, HOuse, Law & order SVU & CI, THE BEST IS WILL AND GRACE, fAMILY Guy, ArresTed DevElOpEMEnt, SIMPsons, Tripping over, Thank God you're here, Saturday night live, scrubs.


emergency sex and other desperate measures,Unknown Terrorist matt riley books, Davinci code, zoo mAG, rALPH, PlAYboy,Penthouse hate uni texts!!!!!mspmb src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" flashvars="userID=104295762&bgColor=65331&bgColor2=1 6777011&transitionSpeed=10&transitionStyle=b&sho wCaptions=1" width="511" height="


atm kevin Rudd, mummy and daddy, kofi Annan, Mel and Koche and the sunrise gang, all my dearest love ones from school and uni and all corners of the globe!To dearest elise. with ure round the clock advice, and your vast knowledge on every possible topic, especially girly advice I am indebted to you. I give to you the title of my mentor. You make yourself available day and nite to make me the person I am.. if i could only be half as intelligent and well rounded as you, my life would be complete!AND last but by no means least Alice through her late nights on msn with me i wouldnt be who i am today, she's always there to have a chat or a dnm (under duress i must make an aa public apology that she is not and never has been a "nerd" or "msn junkie" any way shape or form she has a life and msn only plays a MINOR role in all its complexities). If only i could show you guys a photo of this chick i asure you she's real... lol HI ALICE!!!

My Blog

Is face book stealing all my comments?!

ure thoughts. i love myspace!! :P its so fun!
Posted by verto on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:39:00 PST

what do u think of me...

1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me?5. Would you kiss me?6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.7. Describe me in one word.8. What wa...
Posted by verto on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:00:00 PST