Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 30
Birthplace Last baby born in the old Fisher county hospital
Current Location Garland texas
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Height 6 ft
Heritage American
Your fears Grow old alone
Your weakness I can not spell if not for spell check I be in trouble
Goal for today Just make it thru the day
Goal for this year
Lifetime goal I guise you can say just like everyone else the American dream To have a house, a wife, a good job, 2 kids, and nice retirement plan LOL
When do you want to get married? Do not know
and to whom? have not deiced yet
Ever been in love? It has been a while
Currently in love? fly single right now
Do you think you are attractive? beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Your best physical feature You tell me
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... yes not bad
gone skinny dipping... yes
been beaten up... one or two times most of the time I need it I lol
wanted to kill someone... I plead the fifth
gone a week without MySpace... yes
gone a week without TV... now that hard to do lol
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... If any person I say my mom but if you are talk girlfriend wise it would be a girl by the name of Amy in Austin Texas
say hi to you...
talk to you...
What's the last...
Time you cried? I'm a guy
Book you've read? Jerusalem Countdown
Store you've been in? Wallmart
Can you...
Dance? Just two step
Speak a differenty language? No but willing to learn
Cook? yes
Write w/ both hands? not really
Whistle? yes
Finish the line...
If I had a...
I would
So I can
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Are we the dreamers or are we the dream
When the government fears the People, that is Liberty. When the People fear the Government, that is tyranny. ~Thomas Jefferson
Digital Doomsday Clock
Look if you are a advertising a nude site or band do not ask to be add to my friends!
YHVH made it all!