THINKING OUT OF THE BOX…….The more you learn, the more you develop, and eventually the box is deconstructed. To think out of the box becomes almost impossible. You begin to look through the cracks, search for any new ideas, take old ideas and redevelop them, making them your own. We all have dreams, goals, believes and ideologies… to reach one dream, conquer one goal, and accept a belief is part of life. Each one of us has a story to tell, has been through experiences that will change us forever and had a vision that remains with us eternally. Photography, started as a hobby for me; a way to capture a moment I wanted to retain forever. Seeing the world through a barrel of glass is no longer a hobby, it’s a dream come true. Each time I stand behind the camera…capture an image…I convey someone’s story, and it leaves me with a sense of fulfillment. Time is a scarce commodity, to waste it is careless, but to enjoy it is priceless. I am who I am, I am a dynamic individual, very goal orientated and yet find that I adapt to a given situation with ease. I truly enjoy being in the presence of family and friends, and love a good movie as much as I enjoy wedding photography. I try surrounding myself with positive thinkers…and when my schedule permits (which is rare), I like to party. The saying I try to live my life by: "Perfection is never achieved, only endlessly pressured."