Miss Amber [TAH] profile picture

Miss Amber [TAH]

you look like a Tim Horton’s cup full of hot sauce

About Me

A little bit about me about me I’m vegetarian, i work in a tree fort, sometimes i moon on comeing cars with my friends, my secret wish in life is to be able to do handstands i can cartwheel but not handstand, one time I laughed so hard I peed my pants, my favorite food is pizza once I eat it for two weeks straight, i wanna plant trees in BC for a summer, sometimes i run around the park with no pants,
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

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MySpace Avatars

MySpace Avatars

MySpace Avatars


Alexisonfire, He is Legend, Motion city sound track, Norma Jean, planin white T's, poison the well, No Doubt, every time i die, the bled, at the drive-in, as i lay dying, emery, protest the hero, scary kids scarying kids, taking back sunday, tool, spice girls, the clash, the used,The Early November, thrice, HORSE the band, the ramones, Kane Hodder, the mars of volta, zao, still remains, sparta, the kinison, hellogoodbye, gatsby's american dream, elton john, darkest hour, at the drive-in, haste the day, hopes fall, underoath, dillinger ecape plan, city and colour, rise against,vanna.... it goes on for ever i LOVE music


Beetle Juice, Edward scissorhands, mars attacks, sleepy hollow, planet of the apes, the nightmare before christmas, corpse bride, black sheep, tommy boy, the neverending story, mean girls, clueless, DuDe where's my car, napoleon Dynamite, a nightmmare on elm street, finding Nemo, Auston powers, Harry Potter, Superstar, the note book


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