Dancing, music, clothes, clothes, and more clothes, shoes, JEWELRY, pretty things that sparkle and shine, personalites, making fun of stupid people, taking walks in the woods
Someone that will buy me diamonds.... actually, I already have a lot of spectacular people in my life that I really don't feel the need to know anyone else, but I am always meeting new people. If you are just that cool maybe I'll include you in that group of people that I know. Oh ya, something I find important to do is commanding your presence, so I guess if you possess this quality, maybe that qualifies a meeting. Actually no, I don't meet random strangers from the internet. Read this and find out why: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&f riendID=104148&blogID=88081921&MyToken=f049b930-007e -4ec9-9a2a-e130dd1fef1d Damn I wish I knew html.
Jungle, breaks, two-step, positive hip-hop. I'll listen to everything except newer rock music. ROCK IS DEAD people.
Forrest Gump, Run Lola Run, SLiding Doors, Gladiator, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, South Park: Longer, Bigger and Uncut
I fucking LOVE Project Runway!, CSI, Sex & the City, Chappelle Show
Catcher in the Rye, Lullaby, The Great Gatsby
Bitch, I am my own hero