lady clarisse profile picture

lady clarisse

...(,)..LiVe the FuLLeSt ..(,)..

About Me

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My Interests

BoYz..HehEHe...JuZ KiDdIng...FrIeNdS..AnYtHiNg...FaShIon,MuZiC,spOrTs, KhIt Ano...GaMe AkO... c",)

I'd like to meet:

...DoEs'Nt reALLy MaTTer....JuZ Add Me...


r&b,pop,senti.... tulad nGuYyYyY,my naalala cla!,DeStiNy,MesMeriZe,ToXic, YeaH,To LovE You mOre )uyyY,MY NaaLALa Na NAmAn Cla.(...BaKit NgAun Ka Lng..CaNt taKe ThAt AwAy,NeVer 2 faR..CaN We StIll B FriEnDz..CrY.. SoMeDay WeL KNoW...I'LL NeVer StOp LovIng You...WAt a ghUrL wAnTS..bEaUtIfUL..kIP bEleIvIN'.....ThE PrAyEr...PaNgArAp KO Ang IbIgIn Ka...KHit KaIlAn..LoVe Of My LyF...RaInBow..StOp ThInk..One.. 10,oo0 EvErYtHinG,,..EvERy DaY I Luv U...CoMe On OvEr..FrOm The BoTtoM Of My BroKen HeaRt..SiGned..SeaLed..DeLiVered..i'm Urs..Bez In Me..FuLisH HeArt..JeAloUs..The Way U LoOk At Me....


a walk to remember,bring it on,charlie's angels,legally blonde,d ring, BruCE ALmiGhTy,2FasT2FuRioUs,How To LOse A gUy,In 10 dAyS,HaRRy PoTtEr, PeTer Pan,BrIng It On AgAiN,PaSsIon Of The ChRiSt..The PaREnt TrAp.. How 2 DeaL...lOtR..


love 2 love,mtv,wwe,charmed,fear factor,smallville,asap mania,starstruck,RiPlEy'S,jUsT For LaUgHs GagSThe AniMaTed SeRiEs,SmAcKDoWn,WaZup WazUp,StAr CIrCle QuEst,AmErIcAn IdOl,DaIsy SiEtE...It Myt Be YoU,MaRiNa..HehEhE...(",).......


harry potter,encyclopedias,dictionaries,sabrina,sweet valley,ChIcKeN SoUp For ThE TEENAGE SoUl,CaNdy Mag


...JohN WaYne SaCe,EmmAn AbElEda & RaYvER CrUz of Anim'eoF StArSTrUcKOf StAr CiRcLe TEEN QUeSta.k.a. AxEl iN It mYt b UOf KaKaBaKaBa....... JOhn PauL LiZaRdo...John CENA........AlVin PaStOrAL...HeheHe...(",).....

My Blog


hi people!!!!!!!!!!!!! friendster din me......... add nyo po ako ......please.................. hirs my email add: [email protected] thank you.............
Posted by lady clarisse on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST