::..art|music|traveling|nature|spirituality|God|poetry|anima ls|love|peace|news ideas|creations|dreams|books|silence|imagination|oniriscism |cosmos|food|films|surfing..::
I have seen Marisol painting in a light mood, totally engrossed in her work out of reality. For our joy we have no option but to follow the iconographic elements, each one confront us into a transformation that lead us from surprise to surprise. Such as life follows his course and it’s formed with his opposite sides, her painting keeps certain fragility, imagination, sweetness and, above all, a paint totally free.A recognize to Marisol that even she was an student she was internationalized.Matty Roca (AICA Mexico)
dub | reggae | electronic | ambiental | alternative | jazz | funk | space travelling | new fusions |..