My biggest interest is music. I love music. I love listening to music, writing music and just everything about it. I think musicians are the greatest people in the world, because they are the people who set the moods for every type of occassion. I also love to write. I write probably almost every single day of my life, it is what keeps me partially sane. Those are probably my two biggest interests. Chuck on a cd and then turn off the regular harsh lights, chuck on the christmas lights, light some candles and insence and just start writin' whatever comes to mind. That is probably one of my favorite things to do.
Most of the people I'd really like to meet are no longer with us. People like Tupac Amaru Shakur, Kurt Cobain, Hunter S.Thompson and Mitch Hedberg. It is sad that all the most influencial people in my life are no longer with us. But like the sayin' goes, "It's Better To Burn Out Than To Fade Away." If I had to pick someone who is still alive, I'd like to meet Dave Chappelle, Emotionz (a dope emcee from Vancouver, check him out), Dr.Dre...oh, maybe Quinton Tarintino too. But I love meetin' anyone who has a love for hip hop, especially if you are a local 604 cat. Oh oh! One more that I for sure would love to meet, Lindsey Lohan (cuz I'm in love with her, right Micaleena?)
Oh man, this could go on forever. Classic Rock: Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, the Doors, Deep Purple...Rap: Dr.Dre, Eminem, 2Pac, Biggie, Bone, Lil' Jon, Jay Z...Hip Hop: Emotionz, everyone on, Fourth World Occupants, Arowbe, Cunninlynguists, Clockwork, JC Subliminal Versus...Metal: Marilyn Manson, deftones, Old Limp Bizkit, Old Korn, Rage Against The Machine, Killswitch, Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot, Soulfly, SYL, White Zombie...I listen to alot of other music too. Nirvana is one of my favorite bands of all time, Kurt Cobain was a genius. I also listen to Funk, Blues, Jazz and I even occasionally listen to classical when I'm writing. Music Makes The World Go Round and Round.
Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Meet Jackie Brown, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Where The Buffalo Roam, American Pies, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob, Half Baked, The Crow, Zoolander....once again, the list could go on and on and on
I'm not a huge fan of television. It's basically a waste of time. But occassionally, I do watch some shows. Dave Chappelle, Family Guy, Simpsons (isn't that on everyones list?), Late Night With Conan O'Brian, That 70's Show (though Eric and Kelso are leavin' next season, so it's probably gonna suck), Cold Case...
My favorite book of all time is a biography on Kurt Cobain, "It's Better To Burn Out Than To Fade Away." I've read that book as many as 20 times. I was obsessed with it when I was younger. If anyone has that book and would sell it to me, I would be your best friend forever. The Teachings of Don Juan is an awesome book (and no you ignorrant retards, it isn't about the pimp). I love absolutely everything Hunter S. Thompson has written. I love the book Guerilla Warfare, and a book that is loosely based on Ches' life...CHE, I. Helter Skelter is a pretty interesting book...but I think all true crime books are wicked. I don't really like fictional books, it has to be about someone or about something. I recommend that everyone read Everything that Hunter S.Thompson has wrote...the man was amazing. It has to make you think. I think that if everyone read more, the world would be a lot better place.
I don't know if I have any heroes, but I have people who have been heavily influencial to me. Kurt Cobain made me love music. Made me write music. Made me more creative in general. I think he was a genius. His lyrics impacted millions, his art was like no one elses'...Then 2pac is the one who made me start going nuts at writing music. As soon as I started to get heavily into his music, that is when my cd collection went from 20 cds to 330. He is the reason my books of lyrics and thoughts went from 2 note books to about 20. Without them, I wouldn't have been as creative of person...but actually, thinkin' about that...without my mom I would have never been as creative as I am. She is the one who got me into drawing everyday, and she is also part of the reason that I got into writing early in my life.