Well, apparently some jackass hijacked my page. This means my "about me" section was deleted, (and I forgot what I had in there anyway.)
It also means people might have gotten messages from me concerning some spam related issue. I did NOT send ANY spam out to anyone! If this is what happened, its likely no different from a virus of some sort, and I really hope MySpace has some way of keeping it from spreading.
If you were sent spam from my profile, I do apologize for it regardless because I think MY clicking on the profile of someone who sent some to me through this site might have been what triggered it.
I have since removed the bit of html placed in my "I'd Like to Meet:" section. If you find yourself in the same situation, the text will include the words "HOT" and "punkmypage." Delete it all and rewrite what you want your profile to say.
The moral of this story is NOT to read messages, (or the profiles of people sending messages,) that say things like, "free phone!" or anything else that looks suspicious.
Hope you have a lovely day.