Col. Monstrosity profile picture

Col. Monstrosity

I didn't add quotation marks.

About Me

I am the epitome of Eddie. *The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*
Name: Eduardo "Eddie" Torres
Date of Birth: Sept. 7th, 1984
Birthplace: Holy Cross/ Mission Hills
Current Location: Arleta Ca.
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: not sure, I am taller than my fridge though.
Heritage: a nice concoction of native mexican and spanish
Piercings: I'm cool as nothing goes in/through me, so the answer is none
Tattoos: Family crest on my back, more TBA
Band/Singer: Los fabulosos cadillacs/ The beatles
Song: just one?? not fair
Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Disney Movie: The fox and the hound
TV show: I guess it'd be My name is Earl
Color: Green, all good stuff tends to be of that hue
Food: Clean food.
Pizza topping: depends on the day
Ice-Cream Flavor: 'stachio
Drink (alcoholic): White Russian. Thanks to the guy
Soda: Can't drink soda
Store: Guitar Center. I like it so much, I work there.
Clothing Brand: No one brand can capture the essence that is Eddie
Shoe Brand: No one brand can capture the essence that is Eddie
Season: Spring; everyhing smells good.
Month: September, cause it reminds me that I'm one year closer to death
Holiday/Festival: Holidays are overrated
Flower: gardenias
Make-Up Item:
Board game: Is uno a board game
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Dont you mean, "pessemist or optimist?"
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla, 'cause you can be fooled with a little bit of food coloring
Fruit or veggie: Who cares? they both have equal nutritional value
Night or day: this is a no brainer
Sour or sweet: so is this one
Love or money: If you have enough love, money is unecessary.
Phone or in person: (sarcastically) On the phone, cause that's when you can really read people
Looks or personality: Looks whithin the first second, personality is where it's at.
Coffee or tea: Tea of course
Hot or cold: Hot in the winter, cold in the summer
Goal for this year: Move out.
Most missed memory: A carefree life.
Best physical feature: My hairline??
First thought waking up: Should I shower this morning, or did I shower last night?
Hypothetical personality disorder: I hold no doctorate
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: What was that dude's name that lived in the salt shaker?
Fairytale alter ego: I gotta brush up on my fairy tales to answer that one.
Most stupid remark: only stupid people say stupid remarks
Worst crime: Indescent exposure (peeing on the side of a building)
Greatest ambition: Don't know yet
Greatest fear: Dying alone
Darkest secret: I'm right handed, but I wipe with my left.
Favorite subject: as far as what?
Strangest received gift: Bath towel with embroidered flowers.
Worst habit: smoking
Do You:
Smoke: yup
Drink: yup
Curse: daily
Shower daily: yup
Like thunderstorms: I neither like them nor hate them. Who cares?
Dance in the rain: Only If I wanted to catch pneumonia
Sing: In the shower
Play an instrument: many
Get along with your parents: at times
Wish on stars: only shooting
Believe in fate: who thinks of this? It's like asking if you believe in gravity
Believe in love at first sight: somewhat
Can You:
Drive: yup
Sew: yup
Cook: yup
Speak another language: yup
Dance: yup
Sing: to some degree
Touch your nose with your tongue: why would I want to do that?
Whistle: pfft, yeah
Curl your tongue: I can make up to four curls with my tongue
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: I am at the moment
Been Stoned/High: damn near every day
Eaten Sushi: mmm
Been in Love: up to this point I think I have been
Skipped school: twice
Made prank calls: I wouldn't make them If they weren't so fun
Sent someone a love letter: not really a love letter, more like a decleration of feelings.
Stolen something: A heart
Cried yourself to sleep: simon
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? General Ignorance
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? When I fall asleep
Name three things you can't live without: air, water, food.
What is the color of your room? I don't have a room.
Do you have any siblings? two
Do you have any pets? one
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? If I hated someone enough I'd kill them for satisfaction alone.
What is you middle name? my parents chose not to give me one
What are you nicknames? Eddie
Are you for or against gay marriage? I'm only apposed to sham marriages.
What are your thoughts on abortion? abortions will continue whether or not they are legal. The real issue is safety
Do you have a crush on anyone? Hmm, ask me again in a couple of days
Are you afraid of the dark? only after I watch poltergeist documentaries
How do you want to die? Content
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? I don't know, who thinks of this?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes, considering it doesn't hit any vital organs
What is the last law you?ve broken? jaywalking
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: doesnt matter
Eye color: doesnt matter
Height cant be two feet higher or shorter than me
Weight cant outweigh me
Most important physical feature: hair
Biggest turn-off bad hygene

My Interests

Reading. Writing. Mixed Martial Arts. Guitar. Skating. Life...

I'd like to meet:

I've always wanted to meet a dodo. I'm beginning to think it's not going to happen. But I guess anyone with a similar sense of humour will do. (Who?? Me or the Dodo?)


My taste in music doesn't dictate who my friends are. Neither should yours.

My Blog

Firefighter Eddie

I've been doing research on what it takes to be a firefighter, and I'm quite confident that I physically and psychologically have what it takes to do the job well. Only one thing stops me: cigarrettes...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:56:00 PST

Oyster? Nah, it's jut my lungs.

I've been smoking for some odd years. There really is no point to it. Damn chemical addictions. Lately I've been hacking my lungs out. I had tried to quit in may, but nothing. Nicorette sucks and the ...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 11:04:00 PST

Is Towers not a swell moniker??

Awkward way to end the day. The busride home. The wait for the bus was not at all long. I was reading a book while I waited. Perhaps keeping my mind occupied caused the feeling of a short wait. Meh. W...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:03:00 PST

One lonely Eddie I be

The assumption that I am in a relationship has been brought up quite a few times. "Why are you single?" Well, cause I am a moron. Plain and simple. I've been told that I'm a pretty confident guy&...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:09:00 PST

Primordial Resort

Hehehe after work, I called up my buddy so that I can get my wallet back. In a drunken stupor, I had decided to pay my bills online, of course I had forgotten it at his house. Anyway, after being reun...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Mon, 15 May 2006 10:11:00 PST

Olfactory expressed visually

I watched some television today. One thing that I found odd; a perfume commercial. I don't get it. How the devil can a smell be advertised on television? It truly makes no sense. At least with fo...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Wed, 10 May 2006 10:38:00 PST

Pasta, The homeless, and Los Yonics. THE BLOG

I just had one of the strangest dreams in my life. The setting?? A bar. A pasta bar (Don't ask, hell, even I myself don't know what my mind concocts.). I entered wearing my finest attire. For some re...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Tue, 02 May 2006 08:34:00 PST

I thought...

We invaded Iraq and supposedly won. Aren't we supposed to recieve 20 drums of crude oil each? I'm not one to complain about gas prices; they don't affect me. I ride around in a skateboard and use the ...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 04:10:00 PST


Whenever you see a good looking gal, quickly look at males that are around her. Notice how they try with all their might to look at her long enough so that her image may be forever etched on their ret...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 09:15:00 PST

Lost notebook

Aww yeah! now I can write some mo' These are some of the things I found that I wrote in it:   "Luck is for those who can't get things done right." "Vespa, the Harley-Davidson of nerds." "Yesterda...
Posted by Col. Monstrosity on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 08:53:00 PST