Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) profile picture

Thursday 16 (From The Ashes)

Hey Unfaithful..Hey Ungraceful..Hey Unloving......I WILL LOVE YOU...

About Me

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1.for my great Grandma who always believed in me and took care of me when i was little,the only person who really showed she cared,she bought me my first guitar,when i was hurt she was the first person I'd run too, i promised her on her death bed i would make my dreams come true for her,to prove to her she hadn't wasted her time taking care of me....she died when i was 14,... R.I.P....your my no.1 reason! Maybe one day I can visit you in heaven ok..
2. to,if i can, help people with their problems through my music and give them inspiration to go on...stay strong...keep going no matter WHAT happens...if my music can help at least one person in his or her life, my work here on earth is done. My Message is simply to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!! FOLLOW YOUR HEART, and DON'T GIVE UP.
3....for her
4.for the LAKE COUNTY MUSIC SCENE!!! because maybe if i make it,it would give other awesome bands the chance to be recognized and this place could grow into something SPECTACULAR!!! for musicians and kids and everyone.
5.To GIVE BACK to EVERYONE who's helped me along my journey, from the big people to the very will be repaid someday...I could have never made it without family...but most of all my FRIENDS, they've helped more than anyone...thank you so much...i wouldn't be here without've kept me alive...
6. and to the fans and the people who come out and support the music and stand up for what they believe in!!!!! Dreams do come true, not just for me but for everyone...DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!!!!!!! that is my true message!!!! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS ,YOUR NOT ALONE!!!! I will always be there for each and everyone of you.....i love you all and thank you so much for your support.
...and having the heart to follow what seemed like just a poor little kid with a guitar and and a notebook of lyrics...who just had a'll never understand how much you ALL mean to me...and for those who hate me ..thank you as well...with out your criticism and harsh words and hate...i never would have know what true love really is.....
and 7. to hang out with Bert McCraken and Ronnie Winter,Matt Tuck, John Rez and Craig Owens :)
C • A • P • R • I • C • O • R • N: The passionate Lover Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future. Irresistible, awesome kisser.gets what he or she wants. BY FAR the BEST in BED. Very sexy. Coolest. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Loves to be your first, So you'll never forget.
Brown Eyes: Either sexy as hell or are adorable. Loves to make new friends. Their relationship tends to be very honest because if they aren't truly in love, then the relationship won't work. They fall easily for their best friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite. Enjoys being with their guy/girl. Loves to party. Can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. Loves to please the one they care for or love. Is not the person you want to piss off. GREAT Kisser.
I was born January 1st 1989, as Christopher Grant, in West Sacramento California. Currently I'm 19 and have big big dreams to accomplish and a lot of work to get me there. I try and do something productive everyday cause thats just how i am. Im the Lead singer/Guitarist/Songwriter for the band FROM THE ASHES. I've been in bands since i was 12 and have some experience under my belt although MORE is always what i crave.I ALSO book and promote shows here in Lake County California and work with other promoters as well. I do solo work also, and from previous bands I've earned the nickname THURSDAY 16, which has a lot of meaning behind it for me but that JUST for me to know.I really love helping people and meeting new people everyday. I have a really big heart and if ANYONE ever needs to talk im here for listening..I love gong to concerts, playing my own concerts, hangin out with friends, playing guitar, fact i do ALOT of writing,Booking and Promoting shows, HELPing BANDS!!, and yea im pretty much an out going type guy, i don't do drugs or smoke cigarette's, although i do drink and smoke herb. Im also very flexible too, in a sense that i know when to be professional and when to cut, anyways if ya got any other questions hit me up i love hearing from new people!! -Chris A.K.A THURSDAY 16
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Background from flickr user ..

My Interests

writing,listening,and playing music,experiencing life,booking shows,going to shows,meeting people, being there for people,helping people,and playing with my band From The Ashes!!!

And meeting new people every day!

I'd like to meet:

BERT McCRACKEN,Quinn Allmen, Jeph Howard,Brandon Steinikert,and Matt,Adam Lazzara,RONNIE WINTER,Gerard Way,WIll from Aiden(again),Craig Owens(again) ..
,Jared Letto,Joey Jordison,Travis Barker,David Grouhl
Matt Tuck!! (Bullet For My Valentine!!)


Craig Owen (Chiodos)(again)

.Ronnie Winter (The Red Jumpsuit Appasatus)


I have a Wide a musician!!: The USED,Taking Back Sunday,ATREYU, Avenged Sevenfold, Antimony,30 Seconds to Mars,5 days Dirty,a kiss to betray,Halifax,Nirvana,Kiss, Poison, Skid Row,Coheed and Cambria,Smashing Pumpkins,Sublime,the GOO GOO Dolls,Guns N Roses, Silverstein,Seether,Fuel,My Chemical Romance,Def Leppard,Incubus,Senses Fail,Papa Roach,Smile Empty Soul,Lit,Adema,Trapt,Chiodos,Montly Crue,Saosin,RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS,BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE,As I Lay Dying, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, In This Moment,I am ghost, Underoath, The Almost,HIM,Evaline,circa survive,Bless the fall


Harold and Kumar go to White Castle,Friday, Rockstar, Detorite Rock City,The Crow, The Crow:city of Angels,Cheech and Chongs:up in smoke,A walk to Remember,The Used Maybe Memories,Berth,Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas!!!!!,city of angels,Friday,That Thing you do,The Butterfly Effect,Donnie Darko,Beer Fest,Animal House,The Punisher,Batman, Pans Labryith.I am Legend


Adult Swim!! Family guy,Aqua Teen Hunger Force,Robot Chicken,Futurama,METALAPOCALYPSE!! Boondocks


Stephen King, L.Ron Hubbard,Lion the witch and the wordrobe..dr. suess...


My great grandma(R.I.P)..Bert McCraken..MATT TUCK...Captain Kegstand, Christy..Roman...Ryan (both),BMX SHEL!!! Melody, and JIm Heintz:"that was the best usage of 'fucking bullshit' you've come up with yet!" -Jim H. TOM DOBBSON!! I ♥ U TOM

My Blog

When dark sky’s over blue...

Here lies the ruined, the scent from this breeze, here lies the bullet, where it never should be, imprisoned in a chamber,alone, Paralyzed, not a sound that it makes not a whisper nor sigh, with this ...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Wed, 21 May 2008 04:10:00 PST

Killing Could Become a Habbit

I'll puke my thoughts and memories intoan atmospheric correlation and itsall I need..Well its time to second guess my thoughtsI hope your still aliveI know your not listening I know your not listening...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:40:00 PST


If I put all my emotions fourthI pray they don’t fail me nowAnd if everything they said is trueI shouldn’t be here right now....but i won’t look back!!!!the past will never fail me.....
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:19:00 PST

Remembering to breath

You wear your murder on your sleevenever remembering to breathand underwater is the only place you'll singher bodies broken on the floor the blood has run under the doorand undwater you can't Scream.....
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:34:00 PST

The Fall

I watch the stars fall down Lay rest atop of you I watch the colors in your eyes With this gun shot my disguise You won't have to fall no.. I gave you my heart But you threw it all away For the sub...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:25:00 PST

Believes in Angels

the story behind this song is ..well i wrote it and i HATE it..but the true fact of the matter is everyone else(mainly older people) love it and therefor i can't just throw away something someone love...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:54:00 PST

Thoughts on paper (A Quest throught the mind of a broken heart)

I watched you walk away, the grip of everything slowly moving into me, my shoulders now ways heavy as I wonder if I'll ever see you again. And this, my curse, is all I have left. Now it begins, am I r...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 05:00:00 PST


its your eyes i can't escape,for their the stars that follow me in the night, and guide me on my wayI wish i could whisper that your my everything just once, that  you'd know the truth here is i ...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:44:00 PST

I was just wondering...

GirlFriend Application: 1. Name?2. Age?3. Birthday?4. How do you know me? 5. Why do you like me? 6. What's your favorite thing about me?7. Where did we meet?8. Do you work?9. If so, where?10. Eye...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 01:01:00 PST

I’m A Ghost

As bullets bring murder we stare at the ruin how beautiful your eyes in every single moment so innocence will guide you? will darkness disapear will it take you to the moments of misery and tears well...
Posted by Thursday 16 (From The Ashes) on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:24:00 PST