i love to read, cook, go camping some out side sports like vollayball, softball and going to the beach and traveling with my husband
Most people in this modern world forget that the idea of sex came from God. Sex was never meant to be shameful or sinful or to lead to unpleasant circumstances. God created it for his people to enjoy, as well as to allow them to " multiply and fill the earth" (1:28) but when sin entered the world, it affected everthing-- even or sexuallity.Before the fall,Adam and Eve felt no shame concerning their nakedness. They enjoyed each other sexually, and God blessed them. The Bible tells use "the two [were] united into one," and although Adam and his wife were both naked, neither of them felt any shame"(2:24-25). Yet one brief chapter later " The Lord God called to Adam, "where are you?" HE REPLIED, 'I herad you, so i hid. I was afraid because i was naked'"(3:9-10) Sin had changed everything.Sin is the source of people's shame concerning sexuality. "Who told you that you were naked?" God asked Adam.The marriage bed can still be scene of much dysfuntion between husband and wife. Sex without love is is lust. Sex governed by love results in blessing and joy. christian marriage must not be based on sex, but on commitment to a covenant of which sex is only a part of the whole.God created sex to be enjoyed between man and woman. Don't ever forget that! He didn't have to make it that way, but he did. there ought to be no room for shame or blame. Sin may have colored it, the world may misuse it, but because God created it, sex should be pure and enjoyable part of your marriage
I like tyler perry moives so that comdey, action, romance etc.
I love family guy and chramed and CSI, greys Antomy
I like books by: E lynn Harris and Eric Jermore Dickey
God, and my husband william who almost lost his life in Iraq.