I know I couldnt keep up what I had previously written in this "intrests" box. however I have no Idea what to write in it now. I still have all of the same intrests, no morals have changed... I'll just put it in different terms. except, everything is so transient lately I don't know if I really could get my true feelings across to anyone; the things I like or dislike. I'm busy putting thoughts and feelings into (person)'s head. I stopped recently though I gave up and it was the right thing to do. to recede to flee. I'm still searching, it seems the more and more I give in to who I am and the things I like most, the less people are around to support me. I guess its because I dont do many things that other people do. I don't fit in and I never will. But I love it, I love myself. I would much rather be me and have the whole world sneer than conform so the world loves and accepts me. I know (he,she,they) (are,is) out there and theyre looking for me too. yeah I like that.
::I probably love you already:: ::everyones doing it::
This is the most profound, enlighntning movie I've ever seen, its long but way worth the watch, please enjoy. THE REVOLUTION IS NOW.
the arcade fire, bloc party, the beetles, the church, clap your hands say yeah, cold war kids, coldplay, the cure, damien rice, dane cook, dave matthews (band), joni mitchell, death cab for cutie, the decemberists, feist, frou frou, gorrilas, interpol, marcy playground, bob marley, led zepelin, blackstar, common, fredro star, massive attack, micheal andrews, mindles self indulgence, modest mouse, pixies, placebo, the postal service, pink floyd, radiohead, rem, sia, snow partrol, the shins , iggy pop, brian eno, primal scream, sleeper, new order, blur, lou reed, pulp, bedrock;KYO, elastica, leftfeild, thom yorke, tori amos, tracy chapman, ween, xiu xiu, the killers, the doors, echo and the bunnymen, Dntel, NEW TO ME AND HAPPY:: neko case, new pornographers, cat power, sufjan stevens
Zeitgeist, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, I heart huckabees, sawI, II, III, five people you meet in heaven,FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS,requium for a dream, WAKING LIFE, what the bleep do we know, 3.14, Natural born killers, the shawshank redemption, the wizard of oz, V for Vendetta, Trainspotting, little miss sunshine, girl interupted, donnie darko, THE WALL, stranger than fiction, he was a quiet man.
I've sworn off anything that int animated. [adultswim]!!! Sponge Bob, Pink Panther, The Jetsons, Flinstones, and well I guess I watch things that arent animated too, I like pretty much everything on the History channel except modern marvels and dogfights, and I like everything on the discovery channel except Dirty Jobs.
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, I feel sick, bi-polar, Squee, V for Vendetta, Chuck Palahniuk novels, Magic eye 3D, Christopher Moore novels, Melvin Burgess Novels. Animal Farm, We the living, stiff
My two daddys