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About Me

Untitled Document

I was born as an Air force brat in Mt Clemens Michigan, and lived in 13 states before Iwas 4 years old so I was born with wings and ants in my pants. Ran the USA and Mexico while I was young finding what ever trouble I could find, and had one helluva blast doing it but must say I over did it a bit and forgot to stop at experience the good things I had in life. I'm finally ready to do that and think I have the Tiger by the Tail. So watch and just see what transpires.

I'm single but not looking for a love connection on myspace.com, I believe fate takes care of that and just maybe this is where we might meet so who knows? I love the computer and meeting new people so what the hell, right?

I have a Advertising company I design software for called CosmiCell.com, I have a video of the news spot that covered me on launch of it if you would like to check it out on the Video page. And my newest venture is with my Buddy William Range who is a little genius as far as I am concerned. Not that he is little just half my age and very impressive. That New venture is at LeadRelease.com if you would like to check it out. By the way....As of today Aug 31st 2006 I have 7 openings for loan officers in Lincoln Ne if anyone stumbles by and Is looking to pull $100K a year. Hit me up if you are interested. You great in sales? We train so don't sweat the small stuff, It's all done for ya (smile) Thanks for stopping by and do me a favor while your here and leave some footprints in the sand so I know you where here. I'm always here with arms wide open. Ciao 4 now!

My Interests

My interest is in Business and my pleasures are pretty wide spread as i am open minded and love to do alotta things. Havin a beer with the boys to a moon light night on the boat with a beautiful lady.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone fun and open minded. I like to meet people with my same interests but hang out with all age groups,types, and nationallities. People in the Banking and Mortgage business would find me an asset as I sell leads at LeadRelease.com and anyne in the advertising world may like to take advantage of my advertising software I developed awhile back which send text messages as coupons to opt in members. Check that out at CosmiCell.com I play Texas hold em alot at Pokerstars.com if you would like to set in for a game with me just look for ATM_JUNKY (smile)


Creed, Staind, ZZ Tops, Tom Petty, .....it just goes on and on. Like a wide range of music. Alotta my friends have bands and I hang out at the practices when ever possible for a private gig and lots a cold beers. Check out my music videos to see what I listen too.


Action, Blood, Sex, and Adventure, cant beat a great flick


Kinda geeky when it comes to TV as I watch Discovery, History, and A&E most of the time. Find me on a Monday night peeled to some OCC choppers with Paul Sr. Paul Jr. & Mikey. Do Not Disturb during this show! (Grrrr....)


Rather watch a video than read a book. Paid my dues on the books in high school and college over the years.


John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson,Just to mention a few, and of course my Mom but not nessaserally in that order.

My Blog

Does a $100k a year sound inviting?

I have a Loan officer job available to the right people who are professional and have a good sales record in most any field. You have all the training so no experience in Mortgages is necessary. Conta...
Posted by Randy on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 06:17:00 PST