Singing, dancing, laughing, eating good food, conversation, music in all forms except country.
Stevie Wonder. People who are nice, loyal to friends and family, overall happy with their lives and don't treat others like crap! Anyone who's up for a little travel and adventure, been everywhere from Australia to Hawaii. I'm good at packing a suitcase on a whim or moment's notice, appreciate others who have those same traits!
My own singing in the shower...everything from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and all the Italian greats to classical to AC/DC. La la la...
Any and all, this is way too broad a category to narrow it down. I've got everything from Joe Dirt to Degrassi Junior High...the FIRST Degrassi...that's right...holla if you know what I'm talking about!
NO REALITY TV!! Mostly watch films or SoapNet
I love to read biographies of actors and politicians (classic actors...currently reading about Thomas Jefferson)...
Scarlett O'Hara, Amelia Earhart...anyone with a strong mind and heart, and sense of determination.