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Nikos Akrivos

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love white wine cause is fresh and sunny , is the Drink of Gods in greek mythologie I love myself ,I am honest to myself .I can move any mountain. I love Cassandra. Before you say something think 3 times. Everything happens for a reason. I have blue eyes like the sea that I like cause it is water: Water is a conductor .Conductor that goes to everybody around the globe. We R Energie , our souls never die !We have to make them go HIGH,HIGH,HIGH! Pure Star People I call the people who make a conscious effort to be better beings, to understand themselves, be honest to themselves and communicate with the rest I need Music .Music is the Drug. Music is like the water. It’s a conductor. I love God. God is a dj . I want to make Pure Star Music .Can u help me? Lough! Observe your feelings.Don't try to analyze them just observe them so you are with you every now. I love Internet . It’s a conductor too. I do everything to avoid stress and parasites!!! Women are smarter than men ,that’s a fact!Cause they r Mothers. I love cooking . Food is a conductor too.Hontas!Nikos AkrivosSee what's new...
    Pure Star Agency DancemediterraneaAlex Gold
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My Interests

"Dance music is a sequency of binary information that can change our soul",Nikos Akrivos. With 15 years of well-rounded experience he has become clearly savvy in the electronic music industry. His wide spectrum of experiences touches all aspects of the industry. Not only is he a astound dancer and performer but he also has great connections and keen skill to organize performances for clubs. His performances have appeared throughout Europe and in the most popular clubs in Ibiza such as Amnesia, Privilege, Pacha, and El Divino.He has also a multifaceted ability to execute effective promotion and organize successful events in combining his keen selection of promoters, dancers, performers, and most importantly .the music. The music is what moves Greek native, Nikos Akrivos. It is his passion for music that leads him to the DJ booth.The DJ booth is where Nikos can share with the people how he hears the music: it's sexy, it's dirty, it's electro-tech-minimal, and with a progressive twist and a touch of housey vocals it gives the ohh-my-god-I want-more feeling of ecstasy. For Nikos, to play music, he says, it is a natural transformation; with time and experience comes the need to bring to the people my definition of good music and then combine it with performers, dancers, and a happy quality crowd. Nikos adds another dimension to the music. With years of experience as a dancer, it is natural for him to combine both worlds. He dances and moves the crowd while he is playing. He conveys positive energy and delivers a truly unique experience to the dance floor crowd.Apart from DJing, Nikos created Pure Star Agency with intention to provide quality dancers, performers, DJs, and Producers throughout Europe. The agency has proved successful with artists working in Ibiza and Baltic States. They are working to expand as they promote the artists throughout Europe. In addition, during the summer season Nikos lives and works in Ibiza, Spain. Currently he is resident DJ and organizer of 3 events in Ibiza: Xtravaganza every Thursdays at Space,Pure Star Night at IBZ Loung every Monday as well as Dancemediterranea, a boat party leaving dock once a month as well organising some of the most exclusive private villa parties.Nikos can also be seen at his weekly residence at Playa ColaCon on Thursdays in Playa den Bossa and to catch the sunset at Savanna Bar on Wednesday evenings. Some venues where he played:Space Miami and Cafeteria Miami during WMC,Privilege Ibiza,Avalon L.A.,La Rocca Lier,Helios Vilnius,Krave Las Vegas,Luv Athens,Studio(x Crobar )New York(opening set for Prodigy) and Space Ibiza as resident for Xtravaganza summer 2007. Bookings and info:[email protected]

I'd like to meet:

Pure Star People


Listen my mix recorded live @ Space Miami during WMC(22 march 07) and tell me what you think
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My mother and my father

My Blog

Nikos Akrivos presents Dancemediterranea

Nikos Akrivos presents Boat Party in Ibiza:Dancemediterranea:pure ibiza spirit
Posted by Nikos Akrivos on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 08:17:00 PST

29 October: Nikos Akrivos at La Rocca (Belgium)

Celebrate with me and the Pure Star La Hontas family. I'll take you on a journey. Take off starts at La Rocca in Antwerp in the Backstage! Don't be late...this is a first class Pure Star Studded Gl...
Posted by Nikos Akrivos on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:40:00 PST