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About Me

greetings fellow cyberspace geeks & myspace creeps, I am naw.

I am a twin.

my life revolves around the conveyance of my thoughts and opinions through use of the english language (ie.writing)
the ocean, my friends and family and a newfound BBALL addiction.

i reckon boogieboarding, surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and wakeboarding rock.
and i'm currently hitting figs on the tennis court about twice a week and shooting hoops on ze regular too.

i also enjoy backgammon and acey duecey, particularly over a glass of red wine.

in fact i enjoy almost anything involving red wine...

i harbour a fairly passionate hatred for televsion, but aside from that i reckon love is where it's at.
friends, family, people i haven't met yet; i've got plenty of love to give...

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My Interests

writing, boogieboarding, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding, playing/attempting to mix records (clang clang), backgammon, bikram yoga, tennis, bball... and captain activity's list goes on...

I'd like to meet:

people who do stuff


is something that i couldn't put a price on.

whitest boy alive, paola, commix, red riders, arcade fire, silversun pickups, nouvelle vague, jenny wilson, new young pony club, the duke spirit, Queen, Freddie Mercury (you wouldn't die for Freddie...), she wants revenge, KRS one, eric B and rakim, the knife, david bowie, phoenix, metric, elbow, editors, death cab, the fashionest, cut copy, dj shadow, dj krush, andy c, placebo, the smiths, strung out, tosca, soulwax, radiohead, cut copy, the presets, bugga, kings of leon, datarock, hot chip, interpol, heiroglyphics, souls of mischief, frou frou, imogen heap, anberlin, funeral for a friend, emiliana torrini, bonobo, bang gang djs, haven, theivery corp, gilded lily, thom yorke, dire straits, the cars


The Dreamers (long live Eva Green!), The Matrix, Mallrats, Fight Club, Old School, Anchor Man, Forest Gump, City of God, Trainspotting, Meeting Joe Black, Futureproof, Video, Denis, In Bloom, Farenheit 9/11, Requim for a Dream, Amelie, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, any James Bond especially with Connery


can burn in HELL! except for family guy, american dad, the office, ren and stimpy, transformers and the simpsons


The Alchemist, Illusions, A Million Little Pieces, My Friend Leonard, Authentic, Scar Tissue, Jonothan Livingston Seagull, Midnight's Children, Everything is Illuminated, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Tuesdays With Morrie, The Art of Travel (reading is knowledge, and knowledge is power! haha)


Mumma and Papa Lawrence, ADL, PC, Mig, JoelfknTaylor